Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

most Pyramid/Hapax users i’ve seen on YT find a clicky drum sound – clap, cowbell, ride and assign that to the metronome output

Can’t watch a video on audio gear by a guy with such terrible audio quality. Maybe the dick joke just isn’t worth sounding like he did this through a drive-thru window.

also spends a good five minutes loading up LFOs and FX without playing the resulting sound to demonstrate

Yeah I somehow missed the option to assign the midi metronome to a channel and had it on to the current track. Looks like I’m gonna just save a template with a metronome track in Abelton.

Yeah plus he was so unmuiscal sounding with the sequencer. Just sounded like he was pounding on buttons. I dont mean to bash the guy but I am real interested in this sequencer still could not make it through that video.

I have been feeling this way for years. Bought many sequencers, but decided to order a Cirklon about a year ago. After learning more about the Hapax, it appears to be a viable option in lieu of the Cirklon, which more than likely will not arrive this century anyways.

I am presently waiting for the Hapax to arrive at retailers. Hopefully, I will have a Hapax in the studio before year-end.

Unless Squarp’s supply chain for the Hapax parts expands greatly, I’m not sure if they’ll have enough units to fill direct orders and supply retailers. At least as of the current September batch of orders, it seems they’re still only shipping enough for the customers who order through the website. Just FYI

Thanks for the information, and adjusting my expectations to the reality of the situation. Fortunately, there is not an urgent need for the Hapax. Just the typical G.A.S. at play.

I was trying to avoid ordering through Squarp’s website, due to the immediate charge applied without a shipped product. That said, I do understand Squarp is a small company, and probably could use the funds for production and continued development at this time. So, not too big of a deal. I will probably wait until the delivery times are shorter, and then place a direct order.

Hapax arrived today! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Time to restructure and rewire the studio completely now… :slight_smile:

first impressions:

It’s smaller and lighter than i thought…which is a good thing. The feel of the buttons is a little bit plasticky to my mind, it’s not bad quality, just less tactile and more “plastic-slick” than I expected. The construction quality is good though, just a matter of feel not quality. Personally I feel the user interface is well thought out, I find it easy to navigate and can’t believe how much of the functionality I imagined my dream sequencer to have this thing actually combines…and does so well! (Plus a few features I wouldn’t have thought of lol). It is a really powerful sequencer. I love having the grid and switch between live and step mode, record live, edit in step, do it all while the sequence is running…awesome.

The screens are good and useful too, nothing seems to be further away than max a button press or a shift + button press. I love the pSCALE function, very nice. Also the different types of tracks are dope. I set up a drum track with row controlling an audio track (1-8) on the digitakt…so I can sequence my drums on a single track and see it all laid out right there…lovely. I also like the live chord mode quite a bit, nice and logical setup (I should add that I’m only a rudimentary keys player, so this format works for me as it doesn’t compete with any chord-playing habits I don’t have :)).

The live drum mode seems a little useless to me though, at least so far I haven’t found a way for me to use it in a meaningful manner. I wish the grid were velocity sensitive but that’s a minor gripe, not really a dealbreaker.

Connectivity is fantastic for my needs, four midi outs plus the USB ports + the CV/gate outputs…nice.

All in all, I’m super impressed with the device and Squarp (it’s such a well thought out sequencer for my needs!) and I’m super happy to own it. Can’t wait to setup the studio properly and get it all working together. Instrument Definitions will come in handy for that…lots to discover still :slight_smile:


Have just ordered a Hapax directly from Squarp and believe they are due for delivery in September, assuming that this order is in that batch of course!

I’ve had a quick look up the thread but couldn’t see if anyone in the UK got hit with import duties when it arrived - can anyone advise please?


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Thanks to Brexit… you’ll need to pony up £155 I’m afraid.

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I think it could be a cool controller for any DAW, can some try it, and report ?

Ah sheeeet. Thanks for the heads up!

It should work with any DAW no problem. I see three use cases here:

For one, the Hapax can be used to control VSTis, so basically using the DAW as sound & FX source. In this scenario the midi events stays on the Hapax and the song/parts are built and saved on there.

I suppose another approach could be to use the Hapax live mode to play & record notes directly into your DAW, eg replacing a midi keyboard that way.

Third way could be working on the Hapax, then when ready, record the midi events & automation data into the DAW / the corresponding tracks by hitting record in the DAW and pressing play + arranging/playing patterns on the Hapax.

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I used mine with Ableton Live almost exclusively when I had it. It works great, the only minor issue I found was that if I had a LFO sending MIDI CC, it ran all the time which made assigning controllers tricky. You’d have to go disable any LFOs you had running first, otherwise they’d overtake your attempts to assign other controllers.

It would be nice if LFOs could be configured to stop sending MIDI when the transport is stopped.

EDIT: Should have read the release notes first, this was addressed in OS V1.10, now LFOs stop sending CC when the sequencer is stopped.


why did you sold it?

I got a Polyend Play instead. I found entering notes a little too awkward since there’s no step preview. I was flipping back and forth between live and step mode all the time. Didn’t find it intuitive.


Please share your studio setup once you’ve got things wired the way you want them. I have started a thread for this over at the Squarp Hapax Forum: Your Hapax studio setups, including pics! - HAPAX - Squarp Forum


Hapax is at the top center. I have peak plugged into Midi Port A, Matriarch into B, A4 into C, and Hydra plugged into D. Grandmother is Daisy chained from Matriarch MIDI through. All of my synths are plugged with USB to a USB hub, and the Hapax is as well. This way I can easily send MIDI data from one synth to another and to Ableton.

All my synths are plugged into a Patchbay and then into my AudioFuse 8Pre. I have a second usb hub at my desk for when I use one of my samplers with Ableton.


Not a bad decksaver idea :slight_smile: