Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

Perfectly clear, that’s exactly what I was curious about

Thanks for the videos too

I use Instrument Definitions to set up new projects quickly. I have my hardware linked up in a definite midi chain (so every device has its position and midi channel). Instrument definitions allow me to set a sequencing track on the HAPAX to any specific instrument in my midi chain on the fly, which is super nice when just wanting to jam out for example.

But I agree, they’re definitely optional :slight_smile:


Yeah, so let’s say in my use case if I would be forgetting which midi channel I have the three modules, or if I keep forgetting the one cc value that I use for their modulation lane, in that case I will make the instrument definitions I guess.

Yeah it’s midi channel, Midi CC assignments, automation lanes and track name. if you value having quick access to any of these when you set up a project and you don’t want to pre-save a project template, then instrument definitions can be handy indeed

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yeah, I think thats useful if you have a large setup.

for me, Ive Virus/OT/Eurorack as my main kit…with some ‘extras’ coming in occasionally - so I can just use a project template, which maps this to tracks.

I also can easily keep track (in my head) of which midi channels are which instruments.

I guess if your setup is large, it’s impossible to have everything in a project template… and you need to be selecting the instrument for each track, and thats tricky if you can’t remember which midi channel/din each instrument is on.


Is it possible to all four cv outputs with one gate out?

lets say: cv/gate for note, with additional 3 mod (dunno, perhaps modulation, aftertouch, and anotherone…)

or need they be to be used as pairs only?

Thank you very much for your time!

you can also use freely ,by using them as automation destinations.

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Thank you!

This is also how I use the files and how my studio is configured.

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You can configure and name all tracks, then save using the name “default”. Next time you start a new project, you’ll be able to choose between a blank project and that pre-configured template. This should suffice for setups with a modest number of synths.
Apart from being big timesavers in larger setups, instrument definitions are really nice for named assigned knobs and automation lanes. Especially for less user friendly synths.

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besides naming the CCs, the IDs auto name the track when loaded -
so instead of “Track 1, Track 2, etc.” you get to see “Digitakt, Moog, etc.”

of course you can always manually name, or modify a track name too. in case you want something more specific like “Bass, Lead, Pad. etc.”


Hi Folks,

I just got my Hapax, just want to confirm if there’s a Pause function in this machine? Similar to the Elektron Octatrack’s where you press the play button again while the track is playing and then it stops to that certain step when you pause it, then proceeds again from that step when play is pressed again. Hapax only restarts to the first step whenever i press the play button again. Any thoughts or workarounds to have this done? Thanks

I’m looking for definition files for the Virus TI2, Oberheim OB X8, Microkorg and Moog Sub 37 if anyone has these with the Hapax? Looking to use these four synths in my studio with modular drums.

I don’t think anyone has posted definition files for these synths, otherwise they’d likely be on the Squarp forum.

The files are quite simple to make yourself - you just need to set a few hours aside and focus on the manual and some helpful posts by existing users and you’ll be on your way!

I procrastinated about setting up the files for months, thinking they were really difficult to create, only to realise they are very straight forward for basic CC stuff :joy:. You can get more complex with them, but that will come more naturally with experience.

Start with a basic Poly type definition file for your Oberheim, just using the CC’s in the OBX8 manual, it’s almost a simple cut and paste affair. Then see how that works in practice to make it click in the brain - then if you get the basics understood, you can start making more complex definition files.

Hope that helps!

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yeah, they are pretty simple…
if you go to the Pyramid definitions, you’ll likely find the CC etc for the synths you are after - which is sometimes the time consuming part. ( I know there is at least one Virus TI definition file for the pyramid)

actually, if you were so inclined, you could probably write a small (e.g. python) script to convert a pyramid definition into a hapax definition.

Yeah, writing the definitions looks scarier than it is. I just downloaded a definition to a synth I had and then just copied it for my first definition.

The instructions are in the template that you can download off the site. Like, literally it tells you how you should format things above the area where you type the definition. But ultimately for most synths you just write: (CC value) and then label. For example: 1 Modwheel. And then just continue writing like that and copy the values from the back of the synth manual. (Pro tip: download your manuals off the manufacture sites as PDFs and save them to iBooks or whatever format you like for quick offline access).

I know NRPNs get a little tricky for people (tbh I haven’t attempted them yet, luckily I haven’t needed to) and if you want to be fancy you can set default values other than 0 so when you load up the setting in the automations tab the starting bar won’t be at the bottom (say, for a value that goes plus and minus like Peaks envelope amount where the zeroed setting is like 63).

But ultimately it’s pretty easy. I did four myself for the Matriarch, Grandmother, Bim, and Minifreak.


Same here, by now I’ve made definitions for Bitbox Micro (based off the Blackbox on the Squarp Forum), three small ones for my three modular voices (mainly just note data and each one mod lane), and I’ve made individual instrument definitions for each Syntakt synth machine. Took a couple hours at most.

I spent a morning rolling through my setup and have some I need to post on the forum now, like the cxm 1978 and the hologram microcosm.

I’m trying to figure out a set of instrument defs combined with maybe a project template for my Mpc live, but it is a beast to organize because it is so open ended.

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I did that. Template with a few programs, 2-3 plugins on separate tracks…it‘s one of my jamming setups. I just chose the first 8 tracks in my case, track 1 receiving on midi channel 1, track 2 on midi channel 2 etc etc. I have one of the midi outs of the HAPAX dedicated to the MPC, so it’s easy to know what I’m addressing on the MPC on the respective midi channel.

Template wise on the MPC, I have a drum program on track 1, a program of one-shot samples on track two, one instance of the Fabric plugin on track 3, one instance of the FM synth on track 4, and a few keygroups (bass, keys, strings etc) on tracks 5-8.

It’s a fun setup. I didn’t really map any midi CCs in this scenario because that’s a little too much work for me and I don’t really mess with the sounds too much in this particular use case (it’s really just for straight up jamming). If I need to adjust eg a filter I’ll do that on the MPC Live directly.


do you notice any choking between the Fabric and OPX-4 plugins when they are playing at the same time? if i try and sequence multiple plugins from Hapax on different tracks/channels, inevitably one of them starts cutting off held notes on the other