Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

I was wondering:

I’m mostly accustomed of combining modulations in Elektrons (like the multiple lfos in an A4 or ST that mix or modulate eachother internally), or by mixing voltages in modular. So I’m not super familiar with how that would work over midi:

What happens when for example I have an LFO in the Hapax mapped to a Syntakt cc like the filter cutoff, and then add another LFO or automation to the same cc (on purpose or accident). Do they add? Do they mix? Will one get overridden by the other? Chance for problems/glitches?

the FX matrix is ordinal so they trigger in the chain you choose, e.g., i can have Euclid FX triggering a note/chord at a certain number of steps/pulses/patterns and then add LFO FX to vary the rate of steps and pulses as well as rotating the Euclid patterns. Hapax will apply those LFOs in the order you chain them

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Thanks. I’m never the best at abstract logical thought I believe :joy:

For my example, of two lfos in tandem mapped to the same cc, that would mean in practice that the values wíllen be added, correct?

PS and do you know the relation of effects to automation? One after the other also?

automations of FX can be recorded/entered on a per pattern basis. i assume it’s still going to be applied however they’re chained in the FX matrix. haven’t applied any external LFOs so not sure what sound that would actually produce

I’m sorry - I mean, what happens when automate the filter cc and also use an LFO effect to the same filter cutoff cc?

(And what happens when the Syntakt patch on that track also has an LFO on the filter?)

Maybe I’m overthinking I don’t really see yet how these add together.

the LFO is going to essentially act as an automated hand on the filter cutoff knob and turn it R/L at whatever rate and depth you set it on Hapax at (there are Sine, Triangle, Ramp, Square, and Random LFOs)

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Thanks / so first you set the amount with the automation (let’s say amount 70). And then the LFO will wiggle that value. Not sure yet which offset would be needed for that LFO though, offset of 50/100 or 70/100…

I deleted my last post about wanting to sell my Hapax and go for the Oxi One just because I don’t want people to get the wrong impression of the Hapax but also I wrote that in a fit of frustration.

I’m more on the fence if anything and the thing that keeps me from selling the Hapax is really the instrument definitions. To my knowledge it doesn’t seem like there’s a clear way to map “instrument definitions” within Ableton for hardware. I see where I can go to make automation envelopes but I would still need to search the back of the manual to find the CC parameters, a huge PITA compared to what the Hapax allows.

Hapax is a great sequencer the question I need to ask myself is whether I’m getting enough out of it when I have everything plugged into USB into my computer anyways but as I’m working more with this setup I am finding features that are just more difficult in Ableton and mapping CC for automation lane control is one of them. Ableton is the clear winner IMO for the softsynths, especially with Push 2, but hardware the best thing it’s capable of is note data and after that it’s been frustrating.

Maybe the wrong place to ask this but anyone know if that’s even possible in Ableton (labeling CC parameters for hardware synths).

I did receive the Oxi One though and I’ll probably write up a comparison in the Oxi One vs Hapax thread in a week or so. First impressions are that I like the Oxi Ones buttons and pads more. But I did mainly buy the Oxi One to be a CV sequencer while the Hapax is mainly a MIDI sequencer (with some CV to my Matriarch and Grandmother) so I’m ultimately using them for two different setups.

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Did squarp add the midi delay echo FX in yet from the pyramid ? Also how long out is it from getting MPE programming per step ? ! Can’t wait for that dual screen dual project midi event master box !

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Delay FX isn’t in the current firmware but Squarp indicates it’s a definite future add. hoping they’ve mostly squashed the initial OS bugs and start adding more features with the next update(s)


I just have to post that the hapax is reeeaaaly underrated. Maybe I don’t see it talked about very much because so far it is only direct order from squarp and not very many people have it? It is just so powerful. Every time I have an idea for a new way of sequencing something I find out that the hapax can do it.

That’s all, I just wanted to give some love to a really great (and really intuitive) sequencer… I was working with a bunch of Euclidean sequences on different tracks today and it was so much fun. It was so easy to control every parameter, effect, automation, use the algorithms, etc. all in realtime. And I could even load in an edit an entirely new project while the other one was going lol.

I’ve been trying out some VST sequencers too, but the hapax is just so quick, so easy, and so much fun to use in comparison to clicking around with a mouse.


It’s super awesome sequencer and I’ve barely scratched the surface on mine. I needed a sequencer to tie my studio together until the 3 year Cirklon wait is up. I’m looking at using the drum cv features to sequence my eurorack drums and have a sequence going with my moog sub 37, virus ti2, and Oberheim OB X8.

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There wasn’t a lot online about people using the Hapax on the road / outside of the studio, and what kind of solutions people used for safe-keeping and transporting their Hapax.

Since Hapax has no screw-holes on the side for rack ears, and no VESA-mount on the back, it needed some thinking towards a solution, especcially if I didn’t want to drill holes in it. Also, fully fixing it in my 19inch travel case would make it more difficult to access the back with all the I/O.

This is what I came up with:

  • Velcro on the back. But not so much that I can’t take it out without pulling like crazy.
  • A multiplex frame around it, so it can’t move/flop sideways/up-down. Attached just with double-sided carpet tape. If it ever starts coming loose, I can screw it onto the metal tray that it’s on. I only had to drill two extra holes in the metal tray, so the bottom screws of the Mackie rack ears could be mounted through them. (Multiplex thin enough to not stick out above the power button and SD card)
  • Two small screwed in hooks, that I can attach an elastic on, to safely keep the decksaver on the Hapax when I’m moving the suitcase.

beautiful setup!

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Thanks! (I agree)

It feels more and more my own and without anything missing / superfluous. Since I found my first combination of small voices in a 6U modular + an Elektron drum machine, my setup really makes sense to me.

Any iterations since then have just been alterations between effects, and some additions of modular voices, since I’m aiming to be able to play live, and having more narrow dedicated voices seems to be the way there for me (to not get lost in twiddling one or two more flexible voices).

Towards that aim the Hapax came into the picture. Having a central brain that can save all sequencing centrally (instead of combining different sequencers that I used to do).


Anyone know how to change banks of presets on my peak, I can choose pc in automation and set a number between 0 - 127 but it’s only bank A

Long press a track button, choose PC + Bank LSB & MSB using the right encoders.


Thank you! Also just found if you hold the pattern down in the pattern screen you can set there also

posted this on the squarp forum but since the community is much more active here figure i’ll try here (also my multiclock return window ends in like … a day).

I am curious to see whether I can use my new UltraLite MK5 with DC coupled outputs interface to sync Hapax to the DAW with a more reliable sync than MIDI. I currently have an ERM Multiclock but my desk real estate is sparse these days and I’m using it solely to sync the Hapax to my DAW so I’m wondering if I can forego it entirely by using CV Tools in Ableton.

I’m currently trying it with a Hosa 1/4 → 1/8 TS cable but am unable to get the Hapax to start. I just ordered some of the Expert Sleepers FR-200 1/4" TRS to 3.5mm TS Floating Ring cables to see if that helps, but I feel like I’m missing something obvious. I have my audio interface output connected to CV In 1 and I have Clock Source set to CV In 1. I’ve tried various other parameters for the different sync in settings but no luck so far.

Am I on the right path with these cables? Is this even a worthwhile venture or am I going to have the same unstable clocking issues that the Multiclock solves? Thanks for any help anyone can provide!

I just experimented with the trigger output of my TR-8S into Hapax and it worked well.

You need to manually press play on Hapax first before you start sending triggers.

And don’t forget to set the right clock division.

Also, I think you should just be able to use a TS cable (mono jack to mono minijack).