Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

thanks for testing! I’m definitely doing something wrong bc I’m having issues clocking my modular from the audio interface as well.

will keep messing with it and report back.

Anyone know of a good carrying case for the hapax for use when traveling?

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I use one of these…



not made specifically for it, but this one is really close. would only leave 3/4" of excess space on the long edge. you could fill that with a small strip/blocks of foam, or just leave a little wiggle room…

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Wow, thanks a lot, that’s better than anything I found so far!

Question for all you hapax users! :

How does it fare for elektron-style parameter locking for MIDI CC data? Is it always stepped, or can you slew/slide as well?

It doesn’t really do parameter locks for CC, think automation lane from a DAW instead. You can choose automation lanes to be stepped or continuous though.

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I see! So it’s not possible to hold a step (pad) down and adjust a CC knob p-lock elektron style?

That’s how it works, yes. You can choose for the whole lane to be either stepped or interpolated. But still, you always draw the whole automation curve. It works differently from Elektron but you can basically achieve the same thing.


Finally figured this out. CueMix was defaulting to sending everything from the main outs to every other output as well. So my clocks were getting combined with the main audio signal. After fixing that everything works as expected.

It doesn’t replace my use case for the Multiclock. It would need to be able to offset different channels. Hopefully that’s a feature that’s added at some point!


I noticed the hapax is in stock at perfect circuit, good to see them getting to dealers!


Awesome news! Quite a few stores have them available. With that said, I could not resist and placed an order.


I have a question for those that have/have had the Hapax as well as the Pyramid. I’ve had the latter for a couple of years now, and I love almost everything about it…except certain aspects of the hardware interface. The placement of the encoders and screen feels wrong to me. I often find myself doing awkward things with my hands to perform functions and/or often have to cover the screen (annoying!) while doing so, i.e. when changing track channel.

Maybe I’m just approaching the Pyramid in a physically wrong way, but still, I was wondering if the UX of the hardware layout is better on the Hapax?

compared to Pyramid i would say Hapax is definitely better/faster, but that’s mainly because so much of the interface is on the grid for step entry and pattern selection. but there is also still a fair amount of encoder dialing to adjust the fine values of various parameters. occasionally that means some awkward hand positions but the dual screens are much bigger than Pyramid’s. not nearly as encodeer-dependent as Pyramid’s workflow but . . . it’s still an integral part of the U/I.

basically Hapax is Pyramid on steroids in almost every aspect, for better or worse


Does anyone know how to record filter automation from a key group in mpc into the hapax?

Well actually any automation from mpc into hapax?
I’ve been struggling with this

is there a MIDI CC asssigned to the filter? i’ve been able to automate volume control for a given MPC track (plugin but assume it would work for keygroup) by assigning CC-7 to the encoder for that Hapax track. then just go into Auto mode and record the automation on the grid

loopop’s review at 1:40 gives a basic example of assigning filter cutoff (CC 14 it looks like) to an encoder for a Hapax track. then in Automation, you can either record the encoder motions in real time or program it step style

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I had to order mine direct from Squarp last year no big deal as it came fairly quickly. It’s a great sequencer and very easy to get started on. I’m still learning mine. Love dial in sequence from Virus, Oberheim and Moog and modular drums.

Because of the many different controls I’m not sure about the midi cc. Is there a type of learn mode to achieve this?

there is learn on the MPC (though I believe you can assign the Hapax encoder directly just by holding it down until the drop menu pops up, which includes CC as one of the assign options). the wrinkle with MPC learn as i understand it, it only retains any learned mapping you do on a project basis. so for every new Hapax project with a corresponding MPC project, you have to remap the encoders each time

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dont quite follow your instructions tbh but looks like with mpc you must assign a control number first to something then try to map it to hapax