Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

Thanks! This was pretty much my plan as well. Looks like I’ll go ahead and try one then.

I’m exploring mind and so much to master as it’s a very deep sequencer ! What are some good tutorials online to master it?

I have a Hapax on the way that I’ll be using with the DRM1 and curious about this. Is it easy enough to change the midi note in the hihat lane to whatever the closed hat note is? That’s been my work around with the OXI and it’s easy enough, but can’t figure out if the notes per drum lanes can be changed per step or not.

I had the same setup and found that I had to set up another drum lane to pick up any other triggers beyond the 8 trigger limit.

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Hello, as noted above this particular issue has not been addressed yet. A few of us have asked for a second page providing an additional 8 lanes per drum instrument … hopefully in the next firmware update. For now I still use mainly my cirklon for drum programming as it has no such limitation on the number of lanes.

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I was looking pairing a DRM1 MKIV with the Hapax, and completely forgot about the separate notes for open and closed hi-hats.

So if I’m understanding correctly each drum lane is restricted to only one designated midi note # and you can’t change a single step’s note # in a drum lane.

No you can’t.


How’s everyone enjoying their Hapax so far?
I haven’t had a tonne of time to use mine yet but it’s definitely the most streamlined and intuitive midi sequencer I’ve ever used.

Also wondering what everyones favourite feature or trick is?
I’m going to make some time today to run a few arpeggiations with chance FX enabled and create some interesting random melodies.

I’ve been a little bit downhearted by the slow update speed seeing as how the creators were talking in the first 6 months of release but it’s already a highly functional unit and it sounds like there has been some personal stuff going on behind the scene slowing things down.

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I really like the Envelope effect. I use it to create ducking (pseudo sidechain) effects. I really hope they will allow to select a sidechain trigger from another track in a future update. Currently, if you want the kick drum to trigger an envelope that is on another track, you can’t do that. So you have to duplicate the notes of the kick over to the other track, put an envelope on that track with those notes triggering it and then filter those notes out after the envelope. Or you can use one of the CV outputs as envelope destination if your synth has a CV to volume input (like Minitaur).


Love the hapax.

About fave features: this is gonna be a boring answer, but for me such a battleship sequencer is about workflow and things making sense. And I think they really nailed it.

Also, some effects are great, the concept allows for potentially VERY out-there stuff going forward. Can’t wait.


Totally vanilla favorite feature, but having an easy to load default project template with all my instrument definitions pre-loaded in a consistent layout is just so good. I was using a DT as my sequencing brain before and new project setup was always a bit annoying; hapax makes it so effortless to fire everything up and get started.

2nd place is the chord layout in Live mode. I’m a terrible keys player so this gives me all sorts of options that don’t come to me naturally in a traditional piano style layout (I usually have to pick up my guitar to find out which notes I’m playing, then work that out on keys)


not yet… i think this is something that could be in the works for a future update (no i don’t have insider knowledge)

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that sort of stuff is a great implementation, i’ve done a fair bit of that in some tracks. doing it with drums is trickier but can lead to interesting results too

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