SSL fusion

That’s really helpful, especially with hearing your sound in context. I’ve been obsessing of late, trying to find out about different user scenarios and if it will be beneficial.

Has anyone tried using the SSL Fusion at access analog? Seems like a good way of trying it out…

what did you replace your six with?

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I wasn’t actively replacing it at first, just decided I couldn’t justify the SSL kits in relation to the modest level on which I produce my music.

For a while, I mixed my tracks as a stereo recording only in Logic, and was quite pleased with the result. Then, as the TX-6 showed up, I got that one and use it now on everything. The convenience of its size and portability, combined with its flexible options to record and route stuff, means it’s much more appropriate for my workflow than any big chunk of wall-powered analogue kit or daw.

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I just had an free hour with the SSL Fusion at Access Analog…

Fuck me, this thing sounds good. I also have the plug-ins (which are good), but I can’t get the same weight, 3D’ness or presence, so there’s definitely something extra going on with the HW. I’m going to have to sell a bollock or a kidney to get one after that.