SSL fusion

It was amazing, loved it. Was it worth the price? Not for me in the end. I really wanted to simplify my setup, and in the end VSTs are doing the job for me now. its just one less headache and expense for me. If I get to the stage I need to have stuff mastered, I’ll send it out to someone with all the gear and know what they’re doing :slight_smile:


I use the Fusion for tracking. Usually I have the OT running through it.
It really enhances the sound in so many ways and it’s very fast to use.

Many times I’ve bypassed it after dialing in the settings and the sound is so dull and sterile in comparison.


100% agree with this. It’s hard to not have it on when you have one. I didn’t fall into the trap of a-b’ing with the fusion and vst - that would have been a road to keeping it, no doubt.


Did you have a compressor on the insert and if yes, which model/models?
I had to cancel a deal for a Verde Audio Vari-mu which sounded lovely with it but it was very natural, almost transparent compared to many more modern designs.

I would like to hear experiences and suggestions as to what types and models would make a good pair for the Fusion.

Not that I’m able or willing to buy any gear this year but still. :slight_smile:

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I had the fusion on the master insert on my BiG SiX. Sounded great to me. Still wanted to try the new(ish) ssl bus compressor though for more control.

Both now sold unfortunately.


Also tried the BOUM on the fusions insert. That was fun dependant on material running through it.


I am debating whether to simplify my mix bus chain with solely a SSL Fusion. This would allow me to free up at least 5U for more channel insert effects and processors.


That thing seems sweet.
Was the Boum more on the “crazy fun” or “usable fun” side of things?
As I’ve understood it colors the sound quite a bit so it’s difficult to estimate if it would be a benefit or a limiting factor.

I think it wasn’t for me as you just don’t get any real control. I struggled using it for much more than destroying things :rofl: I don’t think I’m the best person to ask regarding the BOUM. Sure you could use it as a compressor, but then there’s the distortion knob right there willing you to make some noise.


I see. :slight_smile:

It certainly wasn’t as nice as the bus comp on the BiG SiX.

Yeah, that thing sounds incredible.

I think I would choose a bus compressor first (maybe something like the tegeler crème to get a little eq too) as my most minimal mix bus chain, the fusion I think is good when you have more equipment and can put something like an eq on the insert in mid side mode and also add a compressor after it.

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I’m a bit late to the conversation, but did you keep the Fusion or did you swop both the SiX and Fusion for a Big SiX in the end?

I thought your tracks sounded really great (in a musical sense), and there was something next level about the sound. I have a SSL SiX and I love it, and I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a HW unit to go with it. I’ve been obsessing over vids of the Tegeler Creme, Magnetimus 2, SSL Fusion, LTLO Silver Bullet for a while now, and this thread has made it 10 times worse. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for saying :slight_smile: I actually ended up selling both the SiX and Fusion, scaling down considerably. No Big Six :slight_smile:

I don’t regret it, but from time to time, I miss the punch and clarity they brought to my stuff. But in the end, I got close enough with the kits I have now, and gained some other perks in the process, so I’m good.

But the Fusion and SiX together, they were quite the pair, there’s no denying that.


Thanks, it’s interesting to read about the journey, especially when used with minimal gear, and with electronic music. It’s hard to gage from a lot of the Youtube videos, basically with the type of music they are pushing through it. I might try a Fusion at some point this year. I’ve seen them go for just over 1K UK used, so we will see :slight_smile:

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If a Fusion came my way for 1K, I’d get it again. It’s that good.


Can I ask a potentially daft question? How about tracking mono sources? Can you just take the output of a single channel? Would the stereo space width do anything weird to it? I guess you could just bypass that module.

I’ve got GAS for this thing. It’s pretty intense GAS. The demos I’ve heard make it sound sweet and thick and gooey and lovely. And I’ve just enough room for it.


I think it’s worth pointing out, while the Fusion is great, there are parts of it that clearly are more useful if you’re tracking more classic acoustic tracks. It’s not specifically made for electronic music, like say the Analog Heat is.

There are two or three parts of it that I almost never used, because they simply didn’t add anything. The HF compressor almost never brought anything to the mix, the drive was nice and added some depth to the sound but I certainly could’ve done without it. The low end boost was usually quite subtle, though in the end I left it almost always on.

The real bringers were the violet eq, the stereo enhancer and sometimes the secret compressor, depending on context. And of course, just the general oomph and boost of the input.

I’m not bringing it down, that’d be contradictory to what I’ve said before, but with perspective and when I recall how I used it, some parts added a lot more than others. You’re likely not getting a mastering gun with six silver bullets if you buy this.