ST->DT (Compressor) or DT->ST (Analog FX Block)

For those of you that have paired these two up, which audio routing have you chosen? I’m thinking ST->DT so I can sample the ST (and it’s audio inputs) if I want.

I don’t have both but if I had them, I’d constantly switch them depending on my needs for the track I’m working on.


Both ! :loopy:
With pan you can resample a DT going thru ST without feedback.

With a 100% wet delay you can also create a distorted feedback loop. I made tests with OT.

For playback I think I’d choose ST > DT. I exchanged momentarily my ST with a DT, and I’m the fence to buy DT again.


I was about to ask if you had bought a Digitakt :slight_smile:

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You can also route them both to each other without panning for a resampler setup, keep DT’s Ext In turned to 0 in the mixer—the sampler can still record audio (on DT I discovered the sampler comes before the mixer in the routing for Ext In). In this scenario it’s mainly DT to ST in terms of the rest of the setup, but with sampling possibility.

That said, I’ve been mainly sending DT to ST for the FX block, as it sounds best to have FX on all the tracks. One day I’m hoping to do the resampler setup for putting together sets and mixing between tracks.


That’s a good find. I’m using two external ins for a couple of mono synths though but handy to know if I ever want to do an ST/DT only setup


I was thinking of using compressor on master again before recording…(MAIN recording)

Anyway, even in stereo, putting cables between ST outputs and inputs doesn’t imply a huge feedback. I don’t know why.