ST tips & tricks

You know what I realised this enables? A Syntakt version of the Octatrack transition trick, so you can smoothly blend between patterns in a live set! It requires some prep and is not 100% smooth, but it works, and maybe we can work out ways to make it smoother.

Basically at a high level, we want to capture a 1 bar loop from pattern 1 using the freeze delay trick set to 1/1, then switch to pattern 2 and bring in the elements over the top of our loop, then fade the loop out.

In order for this to work, we need a “transition target” version of each pattern with the delay set to 1/1, feedback 100, no filter, and no tracks sent to the delay - so that when we switch to that pattern, the delay continues looping smoothly without decaying, and we aren’t adding extra elements to the delay.

You can then complete the transition with the delay filter or volume, and switch to the “full” version of the pattern with any delay you might want (this does result in a delay pitch change artefact - not sure what the best way round that is, maybe you could adjust the delay time after the transition but before you switch).

Obviously this kind of rules out using the FX block for other more creative uses (though I guess you could have a version of the pattern which uses the FX block normally, then when you are going to transition you switch to one where the FX block will just be used as a looper, like an “outro” version?).

A couple of things to note, this doesn’t handle tempo changes nicely so you’ll need to use global BPM or whatever to avoid artefacts. Also the looped version of the pattern doesn’t sound totally identical – not sure if there’s a way to balance the levels so that it does. You can also end up with clicks at the boundary, I put a slight fade in on the LFO for the sample trigger to avoid this.

Happy to write it out in more detail but it’s getting late so for now here’s a video - sorry for the lame captions, I couldn’t record me speaking as my partner’s asleep and I didn’t feel like learning how to use iMovie properly!

One tweak I realised you could do if you’re feeling adventurous is that rather than muting tracks to select what you are going to record into the loop, you could do this using the FX track input selector, if you want to prepare your loop a bit more in advance without changing what is audible.



Yooooooo I need to mess around with the FX track more. You’re revealing some awesome stuff on this machine I didn’t even consider!

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Little tip to plock particular values like delay time :

Parameter value jump doesn’t work when you want to plock a parameter, because FUNC has no effect after pressing a trig.

But you can set previously the right value as track value, then plock it by pressing the corresponding encoder.

Much faster to set synced delay values for @Humanprogram freeze delay trick for instance…:wink:

Pressing [FUNC] while editing certain parameters will make the parameter values jump to appropriate positions.


This is an amazing find! The possibility had crossed my mind, but I wrongly assumed it didn’t work after 1 quick try (didn’t set up the following pattern delay right).

I had just a moment to try it out just now (will look in depth later), but at first glance, but it worked great for me: I copied the 1-bar freeze delay trigger from the first pattern (in a hurry) to trig 1 of pattern 2’s FX, as a quick way to get the same delay settings. For me, fading out the feedback all the way before introducing the next use of delay eliminated the delay-time-change artifacts—but only in this particular case, it’d be nice to figure out how to minimize those…

Loved the sound of putting the delay’s low pass filter on the previous pattern’s delay buffer!

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Ah yeah this is a nice idea! I’ve been trying to think of a way to just have a single pattern instead of two copies, I was thinking you could have a “1st” FX trig on step 1 which sets the delay to 1/1 for the transition in, then another 0% trig you trigger to set the correct delay values… but I think you’re going to have the issue of any tracks being sent to the delay normally getting added to the delay.

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Ah you mean you did this on the fly? I wonder if there’s some combo of quick button pressing and/or trig conditions which mean you could use a single pattern. Not the end of the world to have to prepare a few for a live set though.

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This is very inspirational. What a creative approach and idea :star_struck:

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Thanks! Happy playing!


It was suggested to move the conversation about Syntakt FX Scenes tricks and applications to its own thread, so I started a place for it at … Syntakt FX Scenes + Techniques .

As pretty much an invitation to design custom FX with 2 lfo’s, drive, reverb, amp, and delay, the FX block strikes me as a characteristically inspiring offering from Elektron…


Oh, no I was “in a hurry” not having much time to play, and realized copying the delay trigger might not be the best way to approach.

Yes, it took me longer than I’d like to admit to realize that the “artifacts” from changing patterns are direct results of changing the DEL TIME parameter while there’s still sound in the feedback buffer. Right now on the second pattern I’m setting a 1st trig to match the previous pattern’s DEL TIME, fade it out with the trig or by hand, then a second trig to cue in new delay settings for using delay in pattern 2. Does that work for you, and allow using just the 2 patterns?

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This ought to work with other Digi boxes as well.

I was just fiddling around with mod wheel setup (in tandem with a knobby MIDI controller) and I realised you can use the mod wheel setup page as a sort of set of “shortcut” controls to your favourite parameters on each track.

If you go to the mod wheel setup page you have 4 parameters to choose and then the amount of modulation that the mod wheel will add. I realised that if you set up your 4 parameters to control, then use the level knob to turn up the mod amount to 127 (or other amount to scale the modulation to taste), you can then use the lower knobs E-H as shortcuts to apply bipolar modulation to those parameters.

I hope this makes sense - instead of using the mod wheel CC to control (up to) 4 parameters at once, you can just use this page to setup 4 shortcuts to 4 parameters, and just modify the values with the E-H knobs. Also, if you switch tracks, you just switch to the mod wheel page for each track s you sort of have a shortcut to your 4 favourite parameters on each track.


it’d be cool if elektron exploit these techniques in future updates, maybe incorporate em into the modifiers somehow too. chorus, resonator etc.

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It does! Cool idea. Especially for eg Digitone where the parameters to tweak are not always obvious.

This is per-track right? One of my favourite features on the A4 is being able to pick parameters from multiple tracks and have them on one screen, kinda like a “control panel” for your pattern. Admittedly more necessary there due to the complexity of the parameters.

Yes it is. I don’t think it’s possible (without a computer, extra cables or MIDI processing boxes or whatever) to simultaneously control parameters across multiple tracks with the Digi boxes, but I’d be happy to be corrected.

Every time I discover an “accidental” feature like this it makes me realise how much you can do without any extra gear at all, just the one box. Some Elektron gear doesn’t necessarily look that deep on paper, but in practise it’s a different story with all these hidden workflow tricks and features that aren’t on the surface.


Possible with midi loopback, using a midi track on channel 1, setting all tracks to channel 1. I used it with Digitone.

From that midi track you can control all tracks with different settings of Pitchbend, Modwheel, Aftertouch, Breath Control, and Velocity (setting its CC in midi AMP page). of course it’s possible with any controller…

A bit boring to set up, but you can copy modulation pages…

This also allows you to modulate Soundlocks if set with modulations…

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It would be so rad if there was a built in midi loop back (maybe accessed via some hidden option). I understand why they wouldn’t expose this of course as it would imply some degree of testing and support, but it would be super convenient!


Sure…or Control All for modulations ?

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Another basic tip, and it’s applies to several boxes.

In midi config, you can set multiple tracks to the same midi channel. Then when you send a note to that channel, it will play all the tracks. This is typically done with an external midi controller.

On the ST, this allows you to layer sounds (esp the 3 analog tracks with Dual VCO :slight_smile: )
And there are lots of tracks to layer.


And trigger the fx track :wink:

ST tips & tricks - #128 by sezare56


@sezare56 wow genius
Does this mean you can do some live side chaining? Triggering the amp envelope of the afx track and notes on the analog tracks while playing live?