ST tips & tricks

Getting new formant sounds out of the ST every day

It would be amazing to have a speak and spell type oscillator that uses phrases you type. Phrases could be stored within the machine (kind of like how the Microfreak has allocated memory within it’s WT oscillator for up to 16 user wavetables) and flipped step by step with a single parameter like the DT flips sample.

Imagine having control over the formants, pitch, playback speed, etc. on your own custom pseudo-sid voice :exploding_head:


Woah that sounds amazing at the end! Please share more about what you’re doing :slight_smile:


Thank you I can get more in detail later this afternoon when I revisit the patch but I’ve found different engines seem to have different formant registers they can emulate and varying levels of reliability for those emulations. Each has a drawback but the most reliable with the widest usable range have been the Clap Engine and Bits.

If I’m not mistaken the sound in the first half is Bits with high sample rate reduction, high bit reduction, and pitch taken way above usable range then modulated with a triangle wave to control the spread of the formant-like sidebands you get from the aliasing. Also some audio rate filter FM for spice.

The second half is a handful of tricks (some learned from the rytm). But yeh definitely going to have to see this patch again to remember :sweat_smile:


Awesome, thank you! I’ll have a play around, sounds dope :ok_hand:

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No worries! Revisited this patch and everything up there is correct except the pitch actually doesn’t need to be all that high unless you want a really intense sweeping sound. The Tune LFO is at a depth of +12 with a multiplier value of 2 here. It’s set to trig in order to get the same sweep every time, but that’s all to taste of course.

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Yes. But iniatially for me the idea is to use AFX analog filters while playing stacked digital machines. :content:
It works as a trick imho, but I’m not sure to use it. Maybe with a defined minor chord pad…

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Incredibly helpful. My syntakt is now a pocket operator!


would love to hear the full version of this track when it’s done! sounds dope

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Sorry guys can you PLEASE remind me how to Effect Entire?

I worked on formants with OT. It’s dual resonant filter is perfect for that.

With ST, it’s more complicated to mimick vowels formants without AFX track.
I made tests with a saw with a DUAL VCO, with an Hi Pass, high resonnance, for the low frequency F1.

Route it to AFX, set the high frequency F2 with a Lowpass, high resonance.

I could make several settings on a midi track, setting DUAL VCO and AFX on the same channel, midi loopback.
On each step I set 2 different CCs (74 for DUAL VCO F1, 70 for AFX F2).
Trigger them with TRIG + YES (preview).

Works well but I don’t have time to set the right frequencies today…

I also thought about a morphing with MODULATION…but unfortunately AFX track don’t have it…


Control all? Holding down [TRK] while turning encoder? (And NO while TRK is still held works as undo)


Thanks not sure why that didn’t stick the first time smh

Just watched the link and wow, I didn’t expect it to work so well! My brain did a backflip lol. I’m excited to play with this idea, thanks for sharing!

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Worked well with OT, 4 resonant frequencies. :wink:
Unfortunately I didn’t succeed to have a similar result with ST. Just something OK with saws HIPASS filter (SY BITS or DUAL VCO) routed to AFX LOWPASS.
High resonance for both. (A slight random lfo on frequency can add something interesting - hold mode).

I also tried 3 DUAL VCOS + Noise, using 4 band pass filters, max resonance. Not satisfying.

Hoping someone will do better than me !

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Amazing for live variation!!! I owe u a chunk of my HP


Anyone able to get soundlocks working hai g external sequencing?

Play Soundpool sounds with external midi sequencing ? Not possible with ST (yet?)
Possible with Digitone and Analog Four, having Multi Map…

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I’ve found that the BITS machine is great for drones. Since it’s decay is infinite you can really find some nice textures especially if you use two separate tracks and change the pitch of one.


Also should point out that the dual VCO engines do the same thing for some nice warm bass drones


Hello everyone,

You will laugh at me :smile:
but i can’t make a simple fade in volume (with an lfo).

Waveform : Saw
Trig : One

(Fade in 64steps)
SPD : - 4
Mult : 8

I don’t understand my mistake? , if you have 5 min for me …