ST tips & tricks

I usually use half-cycle ramp waveform for fade-in and fade out or other controlled parameter changes. I don’t have the LFO fade in/out down to a science so I don’t use it for this.

LFO Speed x Mult is always 64 x [bar division]: fade in a parameter over 1 bar is 64 x 1, over a half note is 64 x 2 and over 4 bars is 16 x 1.


Thank you for your reply.

I just realized my mistake, I misunderstood the tables (page 53).
I sometimes have trouble translating …

I’ve been using midi loopback to access Syntakt’s “performance macros” (MIDI-controllable 4-parameter sound mods for mod wheel, breath controller, aftertouch, and pitch bend), and I think it’s one of Syntakt’s best features. Definitely the best feature that’s hidden away in a menu.

Selective control-all, track groups, sequence-able evolving sounds, wow and flutter, transposition, and a little techno jam at the end.

[Edit: Forgot to mention above that the MODULATION SETTINGS page for BC, MW, AT, PB can be copied and pasted with FUNC + COPY and FUNC + PASTE while you’re on the page. This makes creating groups of tracks much easier]


I’m thinking about doing this with a midi controller of some sort, but I’m concerned about parameter jumps when tweaking stuff over pattern changes, due to the lack of kits. Do you know if this happens with the breath, mod wheel etc params?

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Hmmm, I’ll have to check that on the machine, but I’d guess that the next pattern will hold the last value they’d been set to, and depending on the MIDI controller, it will jump, scale or hitch the value when you turn the knob.


Nothing grand, but I just found out that you can copy-paste patterns also when they don’t have sequencer data.

Great if you use your Syntakt as midi controller to multiple destinations. Nice way to create a template, plus choose other sounds as your personal starting kit. Only a couple of minutes of copy pasting it around across all banks.


Yeah, I set up a bunch of sounds and copy the empty pattern to 3 more patterns then chain them together and record midi from my iPad…
Very good.
Also allows you to have kits set up for instant switching if sequencing from an external source.
I have a bank of empties which are the sounds for tracks where the sequence data is elsewhere :+1:

These findings and uses of the FX track by @Humanprogram makes me realize how much untapped potential there is in this machine. I have a feeling that both the FX block and the Modifiers will become a lot more useful in future firmware updates.

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Thanks! Yeah the power of the build-your-own-fx block is really pretty amazing, I really like Elektron’s approach with it.

And speaking of trig mods, the new menu option to turn off velocity to volume lets the velocity trig mod work as a mini-performance macro.


Oh amazing, I hadn’t made this link. Keep up the creative thinking :ok_hand:


I’m sure this has been brought up before, but just in case… I’ve always struggled with the 64 step limitation of the sequencer when I normally like to make 8-bar melodies. And conditional trigs in a 4-bar loop won’t solve it if you want to alternate between two different notes on the same step. If your melody is slower than 16th steps, you could work around it by placing adjacent trigs with offsets and set them to either 1:2 or 2:2 probability. But if you need all those 64 steps, you’re out of luck.

BUT: if you’re fine with some more randomized playback forms, there’s actually a way to alternate between at least two notes of a step, using the LFO.

I set this up so it plays either C or G on a particular trig by setting the LFO1 to free mode (not free), square shape and the (sample and) Hold setting. I then set the Depth to 3.5, meaning 3.5 semitones up or down. Lastly, I tuned the synth oscillator to 0.5 semitones up or down and then playing the note D# (plus that 0.5 semitone of detune). That way the square LFO will either pitch it down to C or up to G, randomly when playing back the sequence.

One that step is set up, it’s easy enough to copy/paste it wherever you want to alternate between those to notes. And if you want another step to alternate between just eg 5 semitones, just change the LFO depth to 2.5 instead and adjust the key accordingly. Or set the LFO to 6 for a full octave. This way, and by combining it with note probability, you could probably create some pretty interesting ambient melodies that change ever so slightly all the time.


Mix different track with Velocity only.

Control All on Velocity, with different Velocity Mods per group of tracks.

Vel 1 Tracks 9-12 (Pitch -12, Scale 1/2)
Vel 64 Tracks 1-4 (Pitch 0, Scale 1)
Vel 127 Tracks 5-8 (Pitch +12, Scale x2)

I made a distinctive pattern, with different speed/pitch, in order to make it understandable.

If you didn’t understand, ask, if you understood, here is a different version :


This is awesome

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Just another great way to stretch 1 pattern and song mode even further

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You can make evolve this through a song with different patterns with different Velocity. Unfortunately Digis don’t have (yet?) the pattern offset (beginning), it would be great to record pattern chunks with different settings quickly.


“Recording” Control All with song mode…

I prepared a song with initialized patterns 1-16, each one being 2 step long.

Live rec of default sounds, poor playing, but nevermind with Control All !


This is so great. Just now getting around to experimenting with it.

Setting up a bunch of “scenes” with varying settings, route the Input to the FX track, plug my guitar into the Syntakt, and voila: a series of “effects pedals”.

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I def don’t get it. Looking at the first step and not getting the clearer picture. This requires midi loop back yeah?

No midi loopback. VELOCITY TO VOL different curves or off, and VELOCITY MOD settings only.

I set up different Velocity Mod settings per group of tracks. Then I modify all tracks velocity values with Control All.
Isn’t that clear ?

Some tracks have Velocity To Vol off, that way you can hear them even with Velocity set to 1. Decreasing Amp Vol

Tracks for 127 are with exponential curve.
Tracks for 64 have linear curve, with a decreasing amp vol.


Cool, so glad to hear this—I’m curious, does the guitar go need to go through an amp first? I’ll have to give this a try either way.