ST tips & tricks

Ok so I don’t understand how to turn off vel to vol

It’s in the sound setup menu along with a bunch of other stuff—Vel to Vol is a setting, then Vel Mod in the same menu lets you control any 4 parameters.

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I had just been going straight from the guitar into the Syntakt. I’m sure it won’t sound the best this way as it’s instrument level but it still sounded good to my ears. Of course you can put other pedals before it too.


Oh, cool, for casual jamming that sounds like great fun. I hadn’t expected it’d be amplified enough in Syntakt to be audible (and hadn’t tried), so that’s a nice surprise.

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I really appreciate this community’s patience

Okay found the Vel Off but still not sure how you were able to modify tempo as I couldn’t locate it as a selectable parameter. Also doing this only realized y’all meant each track gets its own settings for these…you just have to skip around using track select- crazy.

So I have Vel Off and go to say track 2 ad first Mod is Vel; select which parameter? I don’t see an overall scale/tempo choice is all

I think @sezare56 has the track scaling set up differently per track and is using song mode to change tempo. The velocity-to-volume is the source of the wild sound modulation.


I don’t change tempo, nor pattern I just mix with 3 different settings depending on Velocity Mod. It’s all about levels (velocity, velocity curve / off, Velocity to Mod on AMP VOL…)

I just prepared 3 groups of tracks at different tempi and Pitch in order to hear the difference. I think that’s the disturbing thing.


I’ll keep fenangling!! Thanks guys

I think you can also use the step sequencer on the AFX track for the purposes of automating FX paramaters - change a reverb decay on certain steps, change a delay rate on some steps, etc. Right?


Yep … lots of creative possibilities with parameter locking effects

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Yes, and putting the FX track at 1/8 scale means you can sequence FX over 32 bars (4 bars per row on the sequence) for a long buildup or a variety of turnarounds, or longer with conditional trigs.


USB audio FX loop:

Surprising and neat scenario for pairing with an iPad or phone over USB (reposting and elaborating from ( Syntakt fx loop - #5 by Humanprogram):

An option on Syntakt that’s not in Digitone or Digitakt: Audio Routing > USB OUT has options for selecting 1 or 2 individual tracks to send via USB audio.

While I don’t know of any hardware FX pedals or units with USB Audio hosting, the iPad and phones have it, and it can work as an external FX loop to process chosen tracks’ audio then send back into ST.

My settings in Audio Routing:

TO MAIN: 13/15 (chosen tracks not sent to main in this case)
TO DEL/REV: 11/13 (or reverb)
USB IN : Post FX
USB to MAIN (dB): +18 (signal needs a boost)

USB audio goes out, into miRack hosted by Drambo on the iPad, et voilà, D.VCO into Clouds, or a wave folder, or whatever, another track into something else, back into Syntakt on the same cable…


That’s a nice feature

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Ahhh these examples are awesome. So much potential here. Could even get close to the LXR-02 kit morph feature..



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Was having trouble getting enough “clang/clank” in my cymbal sounds (using Alloy) until i tried using the SY Tone with some FX block delay+filtering. Tone is a flexible one. Would love to see more machines with that type of range.


Yes SY TONE is probably my favorite digital machine, can be used for any drum sound.

An resonant hipass filter can make them better too.


I spent a long time with the model cycles and I am really loving the ways the filter on the Syntakt can be used to shape those slightly raw sounds from the cycles. Like turning the feedback up high on the tone machine and then lowering the high cutoff of the base width filter to cut down the harsh noise, and using the EQ to boost the bass. Very very handy for getting a bit more depth out of those sounds.


It almost feels like cheating :laughing:

It’s quite impressive how it makes the two devices very different from each other. On the Syntakt the machines are used as a base only (or at least that’s how I’ve been using them after three years with Cycles!) to be shaped by the later signal chains.

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The thing I like is that I don’t feel the need to use the filter and envelope for snappy and percussive stuff like I usually feel, since the synth engine can do all that on its own if necessary.

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