ST tips & tricks

It’s always been there :slight_smile: Fn+arrow is very nice when e.g. your beat tweaking has made it start on Page 2, or step 8.
Wish you could do this to the whole sequence ^^


Use the clap machine to make your high hats.
It basically has three filters. Shave the attack, go full noise, tune the ADSR.

Example sound to download and install on your Syntakt with transfer here:



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FN + </> does move the whole sequence in whole steps.

{ perhaps I am misunderstanding and you want something else? }

… only in terms of scope

If you just for example start realtime recording (sans metronome) and record in across a number of tracks, you can find yourself with a decent pattern that’s not lined up where you wanted … in this circumstance (or for other motivations) there’s no way to rotate the whole pattern (as opposed to track)

sequence is slightly ambiguous but i do think i understand what was being implied

Given that TRK is the ‘shift’ ‘modifier’ for Control All - wouldn’t it be nice if something like TRK+FUNC + < or > rotated the whole pattern …

That would probably bring up the Keys though, but maybe only upon release, therefore if held it could be a combo, or whatever works if the will was there


Is it possible to trigger and or live record a trig sequence into the FX track with Syntakt standalone? I don’t want to copy a pattern from the synth tracks or step record them in… especially when using ADSR amp envelope (on FX). I would like to perform that live occasionally as well.

If it’s not possible standalone, is it currently possible to control that externally?

On the Keyboard Layout page FUNC + REC copies the keyboard configuration. Probably an obvious little thing. But I hadn’t figured that one out yet.

I’d love to see a global project setting for keyboard layout


I don’t think I knew that either!

Never knew that, thanks!

I don’t know if this is really a tip / tricks type thing but I just figured this out and playing with it and so much fun!

p-lock a lfo to the tune and mult parameter for a machine for each trig / note on sequencer and play with the other knobs to taste and you get this random thing going on. Each note makes a different note when it passes by!


Is there a way to filter, browse and load just, say, digital machine sounds to the sound pool?

My use case: I’d love to load a bunch of hihat sounds in the pool to sound lock on track 4. The way it seems to work is that the sound manager shows every sound, making it impossible to select only digital sounds.

Nice feedback trick I just experimented yesterday evening, it allows to create some crazy pads out of just percussive sounds
plug audio out ( or headphone out) to some effects unit ( delay / reverb etc;)
plug effects unit out to ST ext in
monitor your sound with unused ext out ( Headphone or main depending which one you’re using for effetc)
turn ext in volume to 50% ( and adust later)
play a sound on ST, adjust ext in level to adjust feedack, you can turn a a simple click to a crazy drone ( feedback and effect level are adjusted at same time, you can also play with dry wet on your effect unit too)
route ext in to FX to use it’s filter in the feedback loop for ex ( for exempleyou can add a filter in a delay feedback even if you’re delay unit doesn’t have that feature)
sequence your FX track in order to get some ducking / filter variations, panning etc
sequence your Ext in track to bypass filter on some steps, adjust level etc.

enjoy !


Same here, it’s pretty stupid that soundpool doesn’t filter per machine type.
Only way to make it work is to just use one kind of machines ( in the factory project they use only digital machines in sound pool). In your case it’s not the best…


Maybe someone already mentioned it, but one can hold down any of the page bottoms, such as SYN, FLTR, AMP, Delay, Reverb, etc., to see the numeric values of all the parameters on the page. It is quite handy to be able to lookup the precise values without having to touch the knobs.


I’m sure this is obvious to some and maybe it’s been posted here… but I enjoy doing it!

Don’t forget to play with the octave up / down arrow keys in LIVE RECORDING mode. You may have a preset or sound you like on normal octave but then changing the octave up or down can make it become totally something else, and in live recording mode you can record these changes and then it makes it sound like you have different sounds on a track going all at once.


How to import a Kit from another pattern we’ll call K.

  • Make a pattern
  • Save it to project
  • Copy / Paste pattern K



Oh wow, I have to give this a try. I’ve been copy-pasting individual sounds across patterns. Thanks for the tip!

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Elektron badly needs to add a “this is how you easily copy-paste shit” section to their manuals. :slight_smile:


You’re very welcome! I found this this morning, maybe it was already used by DT or DN users ? Hoping there’s no caveats…

I usually get around this problem by making one full sounding pattern first, then copy-pasting it for variations. The few times I change sounds back and forth it’s usually fast enough to just copy individual track sounds. I imagine this trick will make things even faster.