ST tips & tricks

This one is probably really obvious, and applies to lots of Elektron machines, but if you use a lot of conditional trigs and have trouble remembering where you’ve put them (since they don’t blink like p-locks do), adjust another parameter that won’t affect the sound much/ at all. For example I’ll usually adjust the overdrive by 1 point. There’s no universe in which anyone is going to hear that difference, and now the trig will flash, so I know I’ve changed something about it.


You can trigger envelopes or lfo with trigless locks, but you have to plock trigger switches (LFO.T FLT.T AMP.T). Same behavior for regular tracks, without AMP.T.

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  • Set several synth tracks and FX track on the same midi channel.
  • Route these tracks to FX track
  • Play notes from external midi : all synths are played through FX track, with it’s lfo, filter/ amp envelopes triggered by notes.

This is a known bother for everyone right now - we are all hoping an update will filter by the machine you are on


My biggest pain is being unable to access soundlocked trigs from external sequencing

Why would you need to sequence something already sequenced ?
Unless you’d want this :
On Digitone and Analog Four, you can sequence / record Soundpool sounds with Multi Map (external midi control assignments per zone, with pitch settings). Would be great for ST !


I originally just wanted to simplify so having one place to sequence would potentially lead to a more cohesive workflow but am thinking not always. I really wanted to be able to soundlock and trigger those via MPCs sequencer since there’s less step limitations (within the Elektron sequencers I tend to feel stuck in 64 step loop lock). I wanted best of two worlds lol

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OK. This one might be too obvious to be a tip, but I’ll throw it out there as I use it often.
It works on all Elektron boxes with track scaling.

If you use a scale mode of 1/4 or 1/8 it gives you a lot more time than the usual 64 steps at 1:1 tempo.

However when you do this, recording quantized can make things choppy and mess up the timing you want (esp when recording a melody or bass line)

But if you record unquantized, you can keep the longer length of 1/4 and 1/8 and still get the notes where you want them. You just have to play it with good timing :slight_smile:

Maybe everyone does this, but for me this gave unquantized recording even more value.


Start / Stop an external looper recording with perfect timing, using a midi track :

  • trig 1 (“Stop” CC message) : +1 microtiming*, trig condition PRE
  • trig 2 (“Start” CC message) : -23 microtiming, trig condition 1ST

At first pass, trig 2 (1ST) is sent, and trig 1 (PRE) is sent at 2nd pass, as previous trig condition is true (1ST).

Their microtiming position are exactly the same. Both are played just once.

I don’t know if this can be used for other stuff, but that way my HX STOMP looper fx can be perfectly sync to the Syntakt, with 1 midi track only.
(this looper fx can’t be sync with clock / transport).

*+1 Microtiming corresponds to 5 milliseconds at 120 bpm.


Syntakt FX track “trig scenes”:

Inspired by EZBot’s Octatrack template and Ivar Tryti’s “I wish I had a …” videos, here’s a way others might enjoy using trigs on the Syntakt FX track that I haven’t seen anyone mention or perform yet:

  1. Set probability to 0% on FX track trig page. Add “trigless” trigs on the FX grid mode sequencer.
  2. P-lock parameters, especially using FX track’s 2 LFO’s
  3. Audition a trig (trig + yes) while playing for an on-demand performance effect for tracks routed thru FX.

This makes modest versions of EZBot’s Octatrack Scenes, and turns the sequencer steps a little menu of custom effects for performing.

So far I’ve got a page full of trigs/scenes with “Daft Punk” (high-pass / pan), delay-based chorus/flange, notch filter phaser, bad delay-mod-based tape stop, “lo fi” noise-rate filter mod, stutter, a first attempt at a riser, and of course a “back to normal” trig. I’m a beginner with effects generally but it’s a unique and really fun side of this machine.

Other notes: Delay and Reverb pages are p-lockable on FX track, which is great for this; trigs of envelope ducker work in audition mode, but retrigs don’t; FX track can of course be copied from pattern to pattern; the only downside I see so far is that there are several button presses between the FX grid mode page and the track mutes.


Hold TRK+FUNC in grid recording mode to enter quick mute mode :wink: (if that’s what you meant)

Great tip btw. Been experimenting with heavy plocks on the FX block with very cool FX as a result. Will see if I can create a range of trigs to use in a live performance as well.


This is an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing!

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Anyone can share a Trappy 808 made on the syntakt? Can’t find trappy stuff on Youtube…
I’d like to know if it’s suited for hiphop; the rytm did slide trigs which were great for 808’s

Slide trigs for 808 with AR ? :sketchy:
Afaik no slides for AR, only one lfo per track. ST have one more lfo, and same 3 analogs + cymbal engines, so I wouldn’t worry about having similar analog sounds as AR, except master compressor…
As on AR, you’ll be able to find 808/909 like kits soon for ST, if it’s not already the case…

Of course ! Seriously. Why not ?

Sure ? It didn’t work properly for me…
Btw it worked with Func+Trk in Grid Rec but it also opens Keyboard Scale menu. While in that mode Trk + Func works…
Seems buggy…:sketchy:

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You’re right. I do this all the time on DT, somehow thought I did it on ST as well. :slight_smile: Just checked and nope. Weird. I’ll put it on my list of possible improvements


Yep that’s what I thought :wink:
Another bug report with mutes !

There’s definitely slide and accent functions for AR.


@Brockstar Yes, my bad, I forgot and used it mainly with OT. But it doesn’t seem necessary to mimick 808 imho…

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Nice one !

Reminded me a trick found by an Analog Four user (couldn’t find the thread yet). It works on several Elektrons (maybe all).

If you hold a trigless with different parameter locks, all incoming midi notes get this trigless settings. Works with midi loopback, a cable between midi IN/OUT (Ex : set a track to midi, channel 1 to control track 1, being channel 1 by default. Set regular trigs on midi track, trigless settings on track 1, hold them to modify incoming midi notes).