ST tips & tricks

A cool trick with the Syntakt is to boot it up before bed just to play with a sound for five minutes. When you take your headphones off, it will be 2am.


I used it mainly for 808 glides, great for trap / drill. Just curious if the ST has slides

Didn’t know 808 has glides. Isn’t it a pitch envelope ? Is it a 808 parameter or default pitch behavior ?

Btw ST lfos should do it easily imho, even better than AR slides…

Thanks for the response and extra tip (and @sezare56, too)! Holding down FUNC and TRK to get quick mute seems to work for me (in both global and pattern mute modes).

It’s very tricky, though, with turning on Keyboard mode. If I press and hold FUNC + TRK (quick mute works, but also turns on keyboard), release TRK but hold FUNC (usual quick mute mode remains here too), and then keep holding FUNC and tap TRK one more time (turn off keyboard mode), it lands me back in GRID mode for more fx. Phew!

Maybe not easier than hitting tapping REC to enter/exit grid mode, but I’ll try working with both.

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Very cool, looking forward to trying this out. (Seems like a good way to to make alternate versions of individual track sounds.)

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As I said, doable with midi loopback, but it may induce some annoying bugs.
As is it can be interesting for sampling it, but I wouldn’t rely on it for live performance.

I’d use it with external midi synced if not experimented with midi…

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I think they mean 808 glides in the more colloquial use of “808”

not the original TR-808 but rather the style of kick/bass drum in modern trap


Has anyone experienced a bug where the Dual VCO analog synth machine can’t change pitch? I’ve had this happen twice now where a particular track will not receive pitch/note information from any source (built in keyboard, external midi keyboards, and even the note knob in the Trig page).

Was wondering if i accidentally bumped some setting on that track I hadn’t noticed.

The dual VCO can’t go very high, I think 2 octaves max. Try lower notes, just to check.


I’ve been having a lot of fun using the above method of making custom FX on Syntakt, by turning trig probabilities to zero, parameter-locking trigs with custom FX, and auditioning those custom effects with [TRIG] + [YES] during performance.

I think it pushes the limits of the Syntakt FX block, the Elektron sequencer, and good taste all at once.

I decided to make a quick demo/tutorial since it’s a little complicated to explain:

Syntakt Custom FX Scenes Method


Higher note is C7 for analog voices, vs G10 for digitals.

You can increase tune up to +24 to get higher notes, but it may be out of tune…


this is an excellent idea🔥

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This is great! Any way you feel like sharing the project file?

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Thanks, and sure! Let me fine-tune it a little and figure out how to upload in the next day or two.


HPFX TEMPLATE.stprj (15.5 KB)

Here you go, hope it’s fun to play with and improve on! It’s as it was in the video, plus a couple attempts at better choruses on page 2, and which sound better on individual instruments than on the whole bunch…


Wow that was quick, thanks!

The 4 mod buttons are a bit of a let down, because they don’t act on the running sequence, but this workaround of using trigless trig preview add a whole lot of performance effects. Nice one!


thanks a mill, was messin with the idea yesterday but mostly just getting my bearings with so-so results. gonna study this :slight_smile:

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Wow, I hadn’t even thought of the Trig Mods—realizing only now that this is what I would have wished they’d done all along. Maybe with more assignable targets in an update there could be a step in that direction.


I always liked the idea of being able to make triggerless trigs and sequencing from somewhere else. Originally, I wanted to sequence the Digitone with the Octatrack, but still parameter lock certain steps. It’d be a great addition.

@Humanprogram You win the tips and tricks thread. This is genius. Now I need TWO FX tracks so I can use one for side chaining and one for this! Goddangit. Guess this is my next feature request.



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