Stacking track sounds to one

Hello I want to stack multiple tracks (4 max) to create 1 wide sound?
How would you stack those tracks to avoid clipping and other problems? I tried filtering but need some advice if there is some .
Thanks for reply fellow Elektronauts

Do you have an audio example?

You can copy & paste the same sound and pan one 100% left, and the other one 100% right. Detune one of them slightly (5-10 cents) That would be maximum wide :wink:


What @Jeanne said :wink:

Using two identical sound on two tracks + slight detune and hard panning = EXTRA WIDE

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If you want to play the modulations for this extra wide sound, consider losing another track to MIDI, putting all the notes and CCs there, and then using MIDI loop-back to control the tracks with the sounds on.

I got this covered
I meant it like create chord from 4 different tracks and fine tune 4 synths to create some sort of experimental chord?

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