Stand-alone nanoloop hardware!

Happy to say mine has finally arrived!

Edit: I was backer number 295, and it was shipped out last week (04/11)


What country are you in?

Netherlands, right next to Germany, but shipping still took 8 days.

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295?? Getting closer :massage_man:

I’ve been playing with mine off and on and it’s a lot of fun. There’s quite a few cool tricks up it’s sleeve like the delay and fake reverb. I also found out you can randomize settings by holding A or B + Y.

Firmware is definitely still early days tho, had 2 crashes and currently my noise channel seems to continue being triggered when I switch to an empty pattern.


I’ve found the nanoloop to be very addictive. Never had anything that I can just bash out some beats while waiting for the kettle to boil or while my daughter watches a kids program on tv.

Takes a few minutes to get the button combos down then it’s really fun.


Really loving what you’ve done here with this custom frame! Would you consider making more of these for resale once you have a design you like?


Perhaps! My 3d printer is a bit on the dodgy side though so I’m not sure about selling actual prints (plus being in Australia with most nanoloop hardware users being in other countries would make it impractical to send). I will of course continue to make the source files freely available.


Mine is definitely never coming lol. Shipped 9/27 to Los Angeles, nothing here yet :frowning:

It’s on the way, mine disappeared for a looooong time when it got on the boat, I’m in Oregon, everything is getting sent only by boat to the US from there for whatever reason.


Hmm … I wonder what the top right I/O jack might be for … but connecting-in the stereo cable, the right input channel get’s mixed into the left NLFM output channel.
I’m so looking forward to FW updates. It is already great at v01 and I really love the UI of this thing.

Flip the device over, it is marked on the back. Those two jacks are for sync and MIDI.

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That or file transfer function that is also not implemented yet.

Does not disappoint.

Had an email to say mine will be dispatched soon…estimated Tuesday dispatch. No tracking number yet but happy to wait, kinda…thumbs are starting to itch! :grinning:

Tried this - it seems like A + Y randomises the ‘bottom’ parameter, and A + X randomises the
‘upper’ parameter.

Only seems to work in ‘global’ mode, can’t do it per step unless I’m missing something.

Cool trick

This is also a pretty reliable way to eventually trigger this visual glitch where the led’s light up multiple ‘bright’ indicators for the parameter.
edit: maybe this isnt a glitch but a way of indicating steps that gave different values?! Oliver you crazy SOB you’ve done it again…

Yeah the multiple bright indicators indicate the spread in random parameters I think :smile:

Same here- apparently it’s the last batch

That dude is the best.

I just recently received my shipping notice!!!

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