
I’m looking to buy a stand of some kind. Bobeats mentioned these varidock stands in a xmas gift video Varidock System – MIRAI

I’m hovering around getting one, but also spotted some fun things in etsy.

Any ones that people really love?

Jaspar stands are great. I ordered one last month to keep all my keyboards tidy in one place. Bought mine from Thomman since no places sell them in the USA

They come in different sizes and configurations

I have a Varidock for my syntakt and it’s a nice stand, but it’s a little bit of a pain to mount and unmount the syntakt with the vesa mount.

I was imagining that might be the case and that had held me back from making an order. Good to hear.

I bought a cheap 3d printed stand off of etsy that I love.

But I also bought a wooden 3 tier rack for my moog dfams and such, and its not perfect.

I see the varistands being used without mounting, and they look good, but when I went to go buy one, you have to buy the stand and the plate separately, and it was backordered, and shipping to the states was a bit expensive, so i went the etsy route.



I can highly recommend these laptop stands. They are adjustable in height and come with a bag that you can use for transporting your Syntakt and some cables. They are from Nevoyo I think and you will find them easily on the internet. As you can see, they also fit an OT or A4/AR MK 1. They are around 30 €.

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