Start time of operator envelope breaking under MIDI stress - any fix?

I’ve been GASing over the Akemie’s Castle eurorack module and thought I’d try to cure it by seeing how close I could get to it with Digitone + CV to MIDI conversion from my Eurorack. It worked somewhat OK, but it seems Digitone gets very unhappy if it receives too many MIDI messages, and unfortunately since the core FM parameters from Akemie’s that I wanted to modulate on Digitone mostly require NRPN messages, it was getting a hell of a lot. (I guess I’m getting an Akemie’s… :cry:)

What was weird is it seemed like occasionally this would do something extremely funky to the operator envelopes - it would basically move the start time of them off to the right, which seemed to have the effect of switching off that modulator. Here’s a picture

As far as I could work out, the only way I could fix it was to initialise the sound on the track, which was pretty annoying when I’d already spent a fair bit of time dialling it in. It persisted through power cycles and seemed to be saved as part of the preset, which is pretty weird/unexpected if it is a bug. Is the envelope start time something that can actually be changed/fixed with some obscure button combo, or is this just the Digitone hitting its limits and cracking under pressure?

Second page of the SYN 2 section gives you an envelope delay time.

Looks like Digitone is recieving a CC to modulate that parameter.

Totally normal behaviour. Maybe not the behaviour you want, so find that CC message, and turn it off.

CC83 for operator A delay and CC86 for operator B delay is what you’re looking for.

Ahhhh thanks! I wonder if this is actually my midi processor cracking under pressure then - nothing is mapped to the envelope delay CCs so maybe it’s occasionally not getting the whole NRPN messages through, and one of them is interpreted as a CC83 or CC86. Might be worth seeing how Digitone fares when it’s directly connected to my Eurorack instead.