Start up issue

upon start up periodically it’ll have a dark screen and all the LED’s are white. flicking it off and on fixes it. anyone else have this problem? this was happening before the upgrade.


Obviously fly this past support, but ensure you aren’t seeing it following a quick power-cycle which you should avoid generally. Might want to run test mode before approaching support too

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This has happened to me a few times in the last couple weeks, what is a quick power cycle? Want to be sure it’s not user error before I start a support ticket with Elektron.

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quick power cycle would usually mean flick the off switch off and then right back on without waiting for capacitors to dissipate any stored charge etc. On most devices normal power cycle would be to physically turn off, then wait at least a few seconds or longer, then turn back on giving the processing unit time to re-clock.

sorry I can’t be of more help.

Thank you, that makes sense. It’s happening when I turn it on after not having used it since the day before. I give it a minute, and when it’s clear nothing is changing, I turn it off. I wait a minute or so, then turn it back on and it starts up as usual (rainbow lightshow). It’s happened before in the past, but it’s happening about every other day at this point, concerning. Did Startup Test and everything says “OK”.

I feel like the frequent nature of occurrence warrants a support ticket, because for one - if it didn’t bother you I don’t think you would search out an answer here, and two - it sounds like none of your data has become lost or corrupted at this point so better to take action before any black screens and flickering become a permanent feature.

I can’t confirm for you if this is a known bug or if it is only under certain circumstances for certain people but support is usually pretty honest in disclosing known issues, maybe getting that information is the next logical step if no one here can confirm.

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This will be my third support ticket in less than six months, starting to wonder if I should just part ways with my Octatrack at this point.

is there something else you can think of that can replace it?

regarding more than one contact - at this point I just email them on the tail end of my old support tickets and I seem to get a faster response lol :cat:

I’m going to use my Digitakt until these issues are sorted, or I’m able to return it to the shop I purchased it from. I absolutely love the capabilities of the Octatrack, but having encountered these issues in such a short period of time has me concerned, especially at this price point.

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there’s zero reason to settle for less than what you are willing to live with. unless it’s proven that this is a bug or some known issue, I would consider doing an exchange. If it’s a bug and it’s not destructive to the machine or your data, it is an inconvenience yes, but I would consider keeping it if I could live with the bug knowing that it’s just an inconvenience and not a ticking time bomb. If it’s a bug you can’t live with and it makes you feel like you could be doing better especially at that price point, (just if it were me) I’d return it to the shop as long as you are still within the allowable timeframe and either use digitakt (which I personally think is a great machine) which it sounds like you already own, or see if there is a device which has capabilities you may be able to combine with digitakt to at least do what you hoped you could achieve with octatrack.

But I feel like the important thing is that if you have limited time to return it or make a crucial decision, I would probably act with haste - Even if you return it, as long as the deal you got was not unbelievably good, with the money in hand there is always the potential to buy another one. If it’s right on the borderline as in you only have a few days left, I wouldn’t even bother with support - I’d return the device and buy another one (from somewhere else if I had to) if I still wanted whatever device was the problem. That way the clock restarts on your return / warranty / exchange period.

This is just me thinking out loud, so do what is most convenient for you, we don’t always have time to jump through all the hoops or even make returns. If you’ve found in your time with it that it’s having some issue, if you spent more time with it you may indeed find more issues appear. And while there may be no device which can completely replace OT feature set, if you identify what features are most important to you, maybe some compromise will appear.

I’m going to try and exchange it, but it’s outside of the return window so that’s unlikely. I’ve started another support ticket with Elektron in the meantime.

how large of a retailer and how long outside the return window? if you don’t mind my asking.

Usually a reasonable shop will try and do something to avoid a headache. In any case, you have 3 years within which elektron should repair or replace anything defective so exchange in the grander sense should not be an issue, but if you are close to the return window you may even get a store credit kind of situation - which unless you’re working on the magic spell to turn your recent purchase back into rent money, can be just as advantageous.

I bought it from Sweetwater, hoping they make an exception :crossed_fingers: But I’ve had it for six months.

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sweetwater is a large operation and has pretty good customer service, I don’t know how they are about making exceptions but in the case of defective product if you emphasize the fact that you did not have time to explore it thoroughly enough for the issue to appear - or that it appeared, but you discounted it as a one time thing and now the frequency of the occurrence has increased and it’s become a concern then they may be more reasonable. Also, you may want to provide parts of the dialogue between you and elektron care as evidence that you have been working on multiple issues and aren’t just moving towards a default play of “I’m returning this”.

It may even come down to the individual person you deal with but you might have better luck getting someone on the phone to listen to you than just emailing with them. unfortunately for us, while email is convenient it’s easier for them to dismiss an email.

let me know how it goes! :crossed_fingers:

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