State of Octatrack MK2 OS: buy or wait?

Fellow nauts,
I’m eyeing an Octa MK2 to possibly purchase in the next 2 months. It will be immediately put into my rig (after learning the ropes of course) as a send/return effects unit on my mains for performance as well as used as my main portable writing unit.

The question is have the show-stopping bugs been resolved? Are units still locking up and/or are the fader issues cleared up? any other serious issues out there?

It will play a huge part in my live rig so I need to know if I’m making the right choice for gigs coming up in the Spring. I know I will own one either way eventually but limited funds right now mean only one purchase for the next 6 months to a year.

Thank you


I would tend to tell you that : The OCTATRACK is a mature product and share the same software based so maybe there can be few bugs (not that much I think) so I would be confident to buy it and immediately put the OT MK2 in my RIG, in fact that’s what I’ve done and didn’t experienced major or minor issue for now…

Probably some people will confirmed what I’ve just said or get nuance and warning on the table I don’t know.



As far as I can tell, and being one of the few early adopters reporting nasty crashes on my unit: the MK2 is totally fine in the current state :+1:


Excellent! I can’t wait to get it.
The reason I need the MK2 mainly is the power consumption. I already set up my AR and A4 for portable battery power with a reliable unit. I could not find an affordable, similar battery for the 6V 3a Octa Mk1. Also, the upgraded inputs and the fancy screen/buttons are quite fetching.


I’ve Been Using The Latest OS on my MkI since the day they released it and it has been solid so far, although I haven’t been using the OT as much as usual because of the typical holiday business.

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wait for a used one

Hi everyone,

my first Elektron box was the Analog Four MK1, I got it at a time when the firmware was very stable and so I have never experienced a single bug or glitch using that machine and was happy with it. With the Digitakt I had a very different experience, ranging from showstopping crashes to glitchy encoders that sometimes change values without even being touched. The worst thing is that I still don’t even know if this is fixable by firmware or if it is a hardware problem.

I was always interested in the Octatrack and was wondering what your experiences are with the new MK2 model in that regard. I have read the bugs thread but I wanted to hear firsthand from people who use the machines on a regular basis. Do the encoder values sometimes jump without touching them? Is the fader really as buggy as described? Are there any showstopping bugs?


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You will get all informations there.
Don’t worry with OT2 you can go safely :wink:


Have been using the Octatrack Mk.II intensively for about 2 weeks now. I haven’t encountered any major bugs so far. Both the crossfader and the encoders work perfectly for me. So it’s possible that these issues are hardware related. As mentioned, the OS is the same for both models. You should be fine :slight_smile:


Been rehearsing for the last 2 weeks with OT mkII heavily and just played a NYE show with it and it’s been rock solid. NO freezes, and NO encoder jumpiness or fader problems. It’s a true workhorse.


@squadron Was surprised I got flagged too, didn’t mean to offend but it was clearly a joke. People are nice here but it’s a bit too tame sometimes