Static Sample Starts somewhere in the middle

Hello. Im new to longer static samples.

I have a 44,1 khz sample with about 5 minutes length. And somehow it start not on the Startpoint, it start somewhere in the middle from the sample. Any ideas about this?

And more question. Is it possible to Play the Static Sample only as long as Note on is sended? I am sequencing from a different sequencer.

Thank you

You can check Start value, Scene locks (to Start), lfo on Start, AED TRIM settings…

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Ok, i will check tomorrow when I am back in the studio.

AED = Audio Editor?

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No. It’s Audio EDitor. :pl:

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Ok. It was the Start Point. It looks like in all my “unused” Patterns, Banks and Parts, Start Point is at 7 or something like this. Thanks for pushing me in this direction.

Also, I found out how to use held notes.


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Not normal. Check midi in, CC17.

I think in my case it’s normal, because times ago I created something like a basic project. And in this project I copied some scenes, parts and banks in usb mode via my Mac.

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