Status update on Digitakt OS

Lets take a look at this from a backwards perspective, shall we? I can’t stand the whole “fanboy” narrative.

You could see the situation like this:
People who spent the money on a DT blindly and are now upset with things about it and feel the need to complain, are the ones who are more "fanboy"ish because they trusted Elektron so much that they didn’t do enough research to find the state it is in…

Folks who are OK with it who are told by the others that they are "fanboy"ish, they’re the ones that didn’t put blind faith into Elektron and rather did they’re own research and went ahead with a well educated purchase knowing what they were getting into, that’s why they don’t complain…

This isn’t my perspective, just one of many ways of looking at things. I personally don’t care what people do as long as they treat others with respect.

(Edit: if your reading this and are quick to reply, please see below or read through the later replies I made in this thread, I regret saying this above as it only shakes things up… It’s just the ol reverso maneuver…)
-Status update on Digitakt OS


When spending several hundred £/$/€ on a device one shouldn’t have to ‘research the state it’s in’.

It is perfectly reasonable to expect that when you buy a product is has been properly tested before release and that it works as advertised. You’re not buying a beta, or volunteering as a tester. you’re a consumer buying a product and that product should work as advertised.



I’m just pulling the old reverso maneuver…
Honestly I wouldn’t mind if I never heard the term “fanboy” again…
Love you all, carry on… :wink:

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If I’m spending several hundred dollars on a device I am surely doing research before i buy it. Be it a synth, a computer, a phone, etc. I don’t just blindly throw money at something expecting perfection because it’s expensive.


Let’s all take a step back and appreciate the privilege we enjoy by discussing our opinions on a relatively open forum about the synthesizers we are fortunate enough to afford. Regardless of how the bugs in your Digitakt’s OS affect your life, you’ve got it pretty good.


I think the term fanboy is used incorrectly to define someone geek or nerd. A few years ago I bought a TR8 without informing me properly and I was very disappointed when I realized that only 16 patterns could be saved. Also soon as it was fun to play the limits jumped out right away, but I did not go to break the balls on the Roland forum. I realized that I had made a wrong purchase and that I could use my money better, wait and get something more complete for my needs. Fortunately I managed to sell it at almost full price. Who has spent € 700 for a digitakt and complains about the lack of that box is someone who has not had the patience to wait, save money and get an Octatrack for example. -Yeah, let’s buy an Elektron, they say around that they are cool machines, I’m going without fail! - And then they find an object under their expectations. Ah, life…


Here’s my advice from 2 1/2 years ago:


I am observing too that some disappointment of the digitakt is coming from people that expected it to be either an octatrack or a rthm.


Yes, I’m guilty of perpetuating it sort of by talking about it, but it’s just to give some perspective…
Hopefully I won’t be saying it again.
The forum is much better now than when I wrote that above a few years back…
I’ll shut up now and leave you folks to it…
Let’s get some grooves on people’s, I’m gonna go do some Octatracking!
Later… :slight_smile:

My octatrack’s new friend, Blofeld, just arrived! (Thanks to the Elektronaut who sold it to me!) so I’ve been figuring out how the fq that weird thing works. I haven’t made a groove yet with it!! :open_mouth: it ain’t no elektron…

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I think it might be broken…can’t get a tune out of it.

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If you buy a product pre-release & rely on the manufacturer’s spec sheet, how is that considered blindly?? Am I supposed to assume every manufacturer is lying to me? Especially such a revered brand as Elektron?

Honestly, I think a lot of Elektron noobs are rightly upset because we’ve bought into this quality manufacturer & then we’re tossed aside before the things finished. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has decent projects locked up in this black box & thought worse case scenario we’d be able to finish/back-up/stem out by the end of the year. The fact that we can’t & the goal posts keep being moved just stokes the flames.

Seriously considering selling this & getting something that I can use today, not maybe Q3 2018 if we are good little fanboys.


& what happens when you want to mix down that amazing acid creation?

Throw it away man! It’s broken.


I know.

You record the outputs, same as we’ve been doing with the Octatrack (and every other sampler) for years.


How did you discover my stripper name?!!?!

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What a strange thread, is it really the case that new elektron users are at fault for trusting the information that was around at the time of purchase?, there was nothing in any of the demos or pre release threads to suggest any problems or epic delays, I know because I spent enough time going through them and I only remember talk of how great it will be and future features that will come because elektron allways deliver. Now its 7+ months later and the forum message to new customers seems to be if you were stupid enough to believe what you were told then more fool you, or even better you should have bought some more gear to make up for the shortcomings. The sensible advise to potential elektron customers right now appears to be dont buy any new products if you cant except problems, wait a year or two and they should be golden.