Status update on Digitakt OS

Honestly, I don’t see a cause for bickering between users. I’m guessing the vast majority of users would love to see Elektron simply release stable and interesting products and continue developing nice instruments. Users usually criticize because they want a company to return to good form or live up to potential, not because they want them to fail and go out of business.

I don’t understand defending companies who don’t live up to promises or fall short on quality control. A company made up of well-adjusted adults can digest the criticism, improve performance, and get back to working. That seems to be a pretty useful model. Most companies don’t go online and attack their users for complaining do they? But a small group of very vocal fellow users frequently do.

I understand the critics motivation - they usually want to see stability and promised features delivered, and sometimes vocalizing what they view as not promised features, but features that would nonetheless improve a machine. What’s so wrong with that? Maybe sometimes they could say it in a nicer way? I can totally see that.

But what are fanboy’s motivated by? What do they get out of it? Anybody know? I am honestly puzzled by this phenomena.


Maybe some people feel bad when other people behave in a way that can safely be describe as “not so nice” towards other people who are just trying to do a job to the best of their abilities.

Also, don’t be an asshole and stop referring to people you disagree with as “fanboys”.


It’s the equivalent of cult mentality or a religion…sycophants, basically.

Hope that helps.


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I am neither for nor against this notification of delay.

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They’re not digging ditches or selling cookies for charity. They’re selling a product and receiving money for it, and not living up to the promises they have made that were instrumental to people buying the product. I agree that people shouldn’t be assholes about it, but it seems that people can’t be disappointed and have an issue with the delays around here.


At least with elektron you have a hope of new features being added with future updates (good ones) unlike Korg and especially Roland who rush out of the gate with 1 yes 1 bug fix update amending broken parts and complaints from the majority consumer. Elektron do deliver :ghost:

I would have preferred 16 mono sample tracks, midi sequencing should have been left out of this box altogether imho people just want to load sounds made on an iPad/ableton to a box like this, jam out with the sequencer and cool stuff and then maybe jump back into the box (overbridge) they tried to link all the chains from past to present and I do respect elektron for that, they try to please everyone.

Happy winter solstice

Sorry. Didn’t mean to be an “asshole”. Didn’t get the memo that “fanboys” such an offensive term, on the level of say… “asshole”. I hope you could tell by the overall tone of my post I didn’t mean any harm or offense and was just curious as to motivations.

Edited to keep things civil. Whatever. Hope everybody keeps calm. It’ll all work out. Cheers.


Bwax is such a fanboy. Or an asshole. I can’t remember which.

Fair warning : the next needless posts which perpetuate this silliness (come on, at this time of year) will magically disappear … it’s time to let this petty stuff go and move on … please


That’s one zapped, bad timing on the post to be fair - sorry - but let’s keep it civil and on topic and ideally constructive

Either way, I kind of like him.


Thanks, man. I needed that. Internet is confusing and frustrating sometimes. I feel like I jumped into a blender here. I’m just going to back away slowly. :no_mouth:


One could argue that it’s a Christmas miracle


I always wonder if people, which defend elektron to the fullest whatever they do (wrong), would do the same for ( let’s say) Samsung when they realize that the new curved flat screen tv was delivered without the promised remote control.

Like…"C’mon, it’s Samsung…they’re cool. They’ll deliver. Happy x-mas Samsung)…


Ah the irony. Is it better to be called an asshole or a fanboy :thinking:

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The worst is to be called both, an asshole fanboy, even worse is to be called a fanhole assboy… That level isn’t reached that often and is highly frowned upon… :joy::joy:


I reckon that would make me feel like just a hot piece of meat(but like- in a sick rotten kinda way)


I think I just risked getting modulated in an attempt that humor might might be one thing in common no matter what side of the fence your sitting on…
I might seem like I’m on one side of the fence, but really I’m just sitting on top of it, watching… :wink:
There’s something to the “relief” part of comic relief…


Fans of Elektron products who spend their time on Elektron’s very own forum. Who would’ve ever thought?

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I am definitely more asshole than fanboy haha