Status Update on Overbridge [posted February 2018]

People will still buy their instruments. It seems a lot have bought the Digitone already.
Elektron are surviving off their previous good will.
If they were a start up company with no existing customer base they wouldn’t have survived the last 12 months

96kHz? Not any more (on the latest drivers for Mac at least), you can choose 48kHz instead (can’t recall is 44.1 is possible offhand) :smiley:

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I asked via support if they can take back my digitakt and give my money back due to false ad. They asked if i purchased direct from them. Indeed thats a no, i purchased from third partie. So they answered they can do nothing , that i have to see the case with them directly. To be honest i didnt ask the shop in question. Would be please to know what they will answer from someone who purchase directly.
They told me that some third partie reseller have good return policies. Will try this weekend. Of course no one will for sure ever give my cash back for the lid

I don´t think that Elektron will change their policy about statements, you can´t expect them to give not only their customers but also the rest of the world insight into their company. I believe that they are really stuck at some point and none of their programmer knows exactly how to solve the coding problem they have. It´s not like building a wall where you know that if it took you two months to build the first half you will probably need another two months for the other half. I imagine it to be more like a long hike through the mountains without a map. Crying for a detailed plan is not helping, calling for lawsuits is most probably not speeding up the process either. I don´t want to be in their position right now!


I once saw a sticked thread where they offer to ask any questions. It quickly disapear, im waiting for the answers…

Absolutely. But trying to buy time over and over again is not going to make that problem disappear magically. They‘re probably in a cul de sac with not enough leeway to turn around. And with every day that passes they can see people getting more and more pissed off. It‘s a disaster they‘ll pay for dearly one way or another.
I am convinced that building something like Overbridge in software and inhouse at Elektron was a bad idea to begin with. A USB based breakout box providing analog outs would have been the way to go from my point of view.


Hans, I did both (sharp protest in ticket, and post here).

I’m not venting for fun or for the sake of it here. I’m venting to encourage others to pronounce their customer expectations just as well, in a very clear cut way.

The way Elektron has handled this is a complete communication desaster from my view, besides screwing up development, and NO way to treat customers. And from what I read here, they are trying to ignore the amount of effort required since many months (probably due to missing skilled man/woman power, where it was really needed), while having no problem at all to throw a lot of new gear into the market, and earn money, before their job is really done.


Wow. I just ordered a Digitakt and now i come across this. I might just keep it in the box and see what happens in the next month and also check out the reviews for the TR8s meanwhile. I have 30 days to return it. =\

I didn’t mean to question the validity of your post and I didn’t do a good job of explaining what I actually meant. You summed it up nicely in your post and I fully agree, it’s a farce and there’s nothing wrong with bringing it up over and over again.

Wish someone would raise a lawsuit; that party would be rightly villified and customers would rally around elektron faster than you can fart and close your arse.


It’s those little, colorful expressions in the english language that, among other things, make me return to this place all the time and in all honesty I can say that your post has made my rather shitty morning a little more bearable.


That is a bit of a special one, handed down through generations. Enjoy, I’m delighted it cheered you up. It will pop back into your head every ten minutes or so to see you through the day.


May I just clear up this ‘false advertising’ wibble?

  1. Elektron box X is one product.
  2. Overbridge is another product which is sold separately. Its price is €0.00 but of course remember that at one point the new Overbridge was to be a paid product.
  3. Box X is advertised as ‘Overbridge enabled’ not ‘Overbridge included’ - if you bought a midi keyboard that said ‘compatible with Ableton live’ you would be mistaken if you expected it to include a copy of Ableton live.
  4. Overbridge has been delayed - it has not been cancelled, and it’s not been revealed to never have existed.

Saying a product was available when it was not would be a false claim. Saying ‘this product is compatible with another product which we intend to release on [date]’ is not a false claim. Subsequently stating publicly that a product has been delayed is not a false claim, and does not become one in light of the previous claim.

You’re well within your rights to be disappointed, I’m certainly feeling that too. But we have all got the products we paid for as they were advertised legally speaking there has been no false claim advertised.

Any other considerations about whether this is sharp practice, bad customer service, or bad comms are of course up for debate.


I’m not sure how it works outside of Sweden. But over here consumers have a 3 year complaint policy which means that you can contact the seller and formally notify them that you are not satisfied with a product or a service you have purchased, and in many cases get your money back within this 3 year period.

The fact that there is no Overbridge even though it is advertised as to being “Overbridge Enabled” would surely fall under the criteria to get your money back. I returned a AKAI Advance 49 through a complaint about 7 months after purchase simply because it wasn’t at all reliable in a “live situation” (a lot of bugs which would make the software crash constantly). It was advertised as a “perfect tool for live performances” on their website. This was enough to get the complaint through, and I got my money back.

So you guys should perhaps have a look at that option.

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I doubt it.

It’s down to what the word ‘enabled’ means. If they release Overbridge and it doesn’t work with products as advertised then it might be a false claim. Like if they’d said ‘dishwasher safe’ and it wasn’t.

The products we have all purchased do everything advertised (bugs notwithstanding). Overbridge is a different product. The word ‘enabled’ is well chosen, legally speaking.

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Just want full 8-channel out over USB, like other product company Aka Roland TR8S

Doesnt care about useless overbridge UI plugin.

I would also be totally happy if Overbridge did literally nothing but audio streaming and sample transfer. Feels like a lite version that just did that and a paid version with the full functionality would have kept users happy.


you mean after you saved your stuff :joy:

what will never happen i think …

I got nothing but frustration out of my experience with the AKAI Advance. It was all back to square one after my mishap… It’s actually funny, I still receive mail notifications from a forum post I made in their support forum. Other users are still experiencing the same problem today, and I returned it over two years ago.

Sneaky stuff going on!