Status Update on Overbridge [posted February 2018]

But do you have multiple channels of USB audio?

I think you are right.
Isnā€™t OB more ambitious than other manufacturers approaches being that it runs as a vst and channels audio through the plugin? So you must deal with so many variables to get it working reliably over different OS versions, different DAW, different sound cards etc.

From what information ive gleamed about OB v1 is that lots of users had issues with latency, things that caused these problems:
Different sample rates
Different latency from host computers audio hardware
Different pc hardware configurations
Software host versions

I guess my thinking was OB could be just the vst ā€œinterfaceā€ and the audio side could of been handled by the hardware outputs, would of been so much easier.

Thatā€™s kind of out of the question though now that Elektron limited the Digi boxes hardware outs because of OB, and now a full digital audio output is the only way to deliver the promised capabilities of those boxes

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The Moogs are monosynths, and the Prophet 6 is not multititimbral.

So that indeed is one difference remaining. But when I betatested, the USB bandwidth for audio streams was not the only or even main problem for development.

Probably not profitable so it will never exist, but a hardware usb breakout box could do the trick.

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in Simons Q & A thread the other day he actually hinted at an artist named Ufuk D who was doing nice ā€œbeautifulā€ GUI work for the next OB version. i thought that was pretty encouraging, and nice to know that its that far along, ie finished artwork being integrated not prototype stuff. pretty keen to see the new layout, it almost sounded as if there was a pixel art dimension to it (dont know if im reading into things there)

And, as far as I am aware, neither the Phrophet 6 nor any Moog does audio over USB.
I suspect it is offering multiple audio tracks over USB which makes Overbridge more onerous than a standard VST based editor.

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Yes, you are right about that:
these synths (Moogs and Prophet 6) offer Midi over USB and are connected with my multichannel soundcard over analog audio connections. They do not just exchange Midi note data though, but full controller and total recall functionality. But the synth I betatested obviously had USB audio streams as well. :slight_smile:

Still, as I said, normally USB2 and 3 offer more than enough bandwith for some audio streams. It seems itā€™s rather the coordinated simultaneous exchange of all other data happening at the same time, which may cause problems. Iā€™m no engineer, but thatā€™s what engineers told me.

Yeah itā€™s keeping all those audio streams in perfect sync with each other, with the audio clock of the DAWs audio interface, and then you have things like latency compensation in the DAW.

I imagine it only gets more complicated when you then have multiple Elektron (more than one instance of OB) boxes talking with the DAW at the same time.

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Of course there are technical limits for everything. But well working integration for one device at a time would already be great.

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Okā€¦ nevermind my questions about overbridge and sample backupā€¦ looks like we have this covered now.

I guess itā€™s now a matter of time before we get a one-click-all-samples transfer. So Iā€™m out out this discussion and I wish luck and patience to those waiting for usb audio.


:OOOOOOO IT WORKS! Thank you so much!


Open letter to Elektron:

Iā€™ve got this track Iā€™m working on(exclusively using the Digitakt and Digitone). Itā€™s the most musical thing Iā€™ve done in a few years(2015). Iā€™ve got some music production software(isotonik) and would love to properly produce this track to be as wonderful as possible to listen to.

It would be really cool if you released Overbridge, like, tomorrow so I could record it and make it sound really pretty and stuff. I promise I will send you the song and Iā€™ll even change the name from ā€œmistogrophyā€(working title) to ā€œthank you Elektron(super-cool)ā€

If itā€™s not ready yet, I completely understand- it would just be really, really cool if it were. Even if itā€™s in Beta version- I would brave that battle so that I could make a really cool song that upwards of five people could enjoy :heart:ļø

Yours truly,

Ryan(from the Elektronauts forum)


Dear Ryan,

A touching letter that resulted in us putting down our digitones and playing our violins.
As mentioned you havenā€™t made any good music since way back in 2015, so we take it you wonā€™t mind waiting a few years more.
We recommend you take up the violin also in the meantime.

Yours truly


I didnā€™t say the music I made in 2015 was good :smiley:

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At this point I wouldnā€™t be surprised if people broke in to H.Q. armed and dangerous and started taking hostages captive until they released the thingā€¦ :joy: Helicopter planned to grab them from the roof, that kinda shitā€¦ Wouldnā€™t even phase meā€¦
While you all are at it, will you throw in a pickup machine update in your list of demandsā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


yeah, most of this thread is like

Not a good situation for Elektron.
Is it better to piss customers off having to wait, or release it early and piss customers off when it doesnā€™t work properly :thinking:
Pick your poison



One thing that strikes me as a potential pitfall in the near future is if desktop computers drop USB in favour of some newer faster protocol, not too long ago computers had RS232, parallel, firewire and scsi and any peripherals which relied on those protocols were made obsolete once those interfaces were dropped.

I guess for a transitional period there will be converters to make USB devices still work with whatever new interface may exist, but as anyone knows who has tried to keep old hardware working on a new computer it can be a PITA and often not too reliable. Not such a big deal with printers or other consumer products, but with specialist equipment it can be an issue, especially when no direct modern equivalent exists.

When software isnā€™t tied to external hardware it can more easily move with the progression of the desktop computer industry, it could be argued that who will care in 10 years time if some old piece of music gear no longer works with a computer? But 10 years isnā€™t very long for music instruments but it is for computers, maybe some solution will exist to keep things working. Maybe most people will have moved on to something else by then?

Interesting article about USB3 here

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From my reading of the latest USB specifications, the USB steering group are fully committed to retaining USB 2 for the simple reason that so many devices use USB 2, and the capabilities of USB 2 far exceed the requirements of the majority of those devices.

This can be seen in practice because there are specifications for both fully featured USB C connectors (USB 3.2) and USB 2 only USB C connectors.