Status Update on Overbridge [posted February 2018]

This is why VST’s and plugins are becoming bigger and better, and why they are currently paving the way for the future with regard to synthesis in the most powerful and practical format available.
Most people on an Elektron forum won’t agree, and I am fine with that.
I always find the argument quite amusing when you hear people trying to claim that their aging hardware will last the test of time without issues, and outlast their VST counterparts

I wouldn’t disagree with your comment that VST’s are paving the way for the future of synthesis FWIW.

I think some old hardware stuff will still be used in the future, nostalgia and music seem intwined if not by everyone, but there will certainly be some die-hard dorks making their life difficult :joy:

Whether modern hardware will prove to be as long lived as today’s vintage gear remains to be seen though, but I reckon some will, if we all have desktop replicators by then though might not even be necessary or even appealing to keep old gear around.

The Virus TI is the benchmark of a successful synth deeply integrated with a computer, that has lasted the test of time. Well so far anyway. Nearly 15 years old now and still going strong.
Will be interesting to see where Elektron, Overbridge and their instruments are in 15 years from now that’s for sure

A digital synth is a computer and a computer is hardware. If “computers” are the future there’s no reason they couldn’t be streamlined and put into a musical hardware interface that also is purely focused on real time music creation instead of being run on a multipurpose commercial platform. If only the energy and rescorces were devoted to such a thing. Whatever power a general computer has could be focused more efficiently if it were purposely designed for music creation…

… for now. The used DSP in the TI2 reaches it’s EOL (end of life) in 2020 and there is no replacement in sight.

Economies of scale will always prohibit that, hence a personal computer will always have a more powerful CPU, more memory etc. than a digital synth or workstation.

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Yes you left out the next sentence from my quote
‘So far anyway’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Hate the term game changer but the TI definitely was, and such a shame a successor never eventuated

That was hence the, “If only the energy and rescorces were devoted to such a thing…”

I think most likely eventually digital will be replaced by something and then eventually something will replace that, etc…
Given enough time…

So glad you popped back to share that with us.


Wondering if the Behringer clones of Elektron gear will support Overbridge before the original Elektron gear does :wink:


Funny dude…why did you take it down…it was a relevant point…! Dont be afraid…i was being antagonistic and really was looking for that kind of reaction. You should put it back up there are other people who would feel the same as you…!!!

And all i meant was this though…everyone should count thier blessings! In my 20s all that i could afford was a boss dr 220 drum machine and an ensonic mirage to attempt to make beats…it was really hard to sync and get something happening that didnt sound like garbage…then it had to be backed up to floppy disc …recall was a joke…i had a pencil and note book with instructions for each track…i couldn’t recall a single back up now if i tried…all the floppy discs are corrupt…ha…

something like the digitakt would have blown minds. And the concept of overbridge was fantasy…

We have sooooo much to be greatful for now…so much availble…we are lucky…and its an amazing time to be alive.

Yet we are carrying on like spoilt brats…prisoners of privilege. Our emotional realities have become distorted from a healthy reference point.

Its ok to complain but alot of people are putting alot of emotional energy into a situation that is not worthy of this much life force…there are situations that need our actual attention and we are busy focusing on what… code…???.

there are actually humans dying from hunger there are people reaching the end of thier struggle with disease. There are children holding semi automatic weapons in wars and schools. That is the kind if shit we should be this worked up about. Not a delay in the release some code that you all think is going to enable you all to drop the track of the century…it wont…you are all still going to reach your creative limits before you exhaust the creative potential of these devices. Even without overbridge…

Its supposed to be fun and its supposed to be learning…if you cant make great music with these boxes in the state they are in overbridge isn’t going to change that…it may be a bonus when it drops but no one has been ripped off…elektron are working on it and yall need some perspective.

I thought the starving human reference point would shock people out of thier small thinking. Saying all that its o.k. to complain if you are not happy…i just had the gripe if the century on the arturia forum for feeling unfairy treated. Until they made me eat me words by unexpectedly going above and beyond to solve the problem…


I only had 4 TV channels growing up. Does that mean I shouldn’t rage when my Netflix starts bugging out?

To the people urging others to have some perspective and be grateful for what we’ve got: can you please stop being antagonistic? Community venting is fun and therapeutic, and all grudges will evaporate when this is history. We can all have a reunion thread and laugh about it.

People complain (to varing degrees) because they don’t know what’s going on or what to expect - doesn’t mean they lack gratitude. We wouldn’t persist with Elektron hardware if it wasn’t appriciated, and we’d all be using lesser gear.

Just because I’m vocal about wanting to back up my ARMK1 kits with samples, while my buddy complains about needing any kind of backup for his DT, and we both want to exploit this technology to its full extent, that doesn’t mean our expectations are out of whack. Does not mean we can’t roll with simpler times. Doesn’t mean we don’t have perspective about greater tragedies in the world. That’s ridiculous. We just want to make music on this wonderful equipment without having to worry about it suddenly vanishing. Thats not lacking gratitude, thats lacking security. Or should I not be a bit downhearted when my creative time becomes an admin headache? Should just stick to my nylon acoustic and a 4track…


There are other places to get worked up about world problems. This particular forum isn’t really one of them. It’s the forum of a company that sells electronic instruments. Not the forum of a charitable organization or activistist group. People getting upset about “code” related to an electronic instruments is part of why this forum exist.
It’s alway good to keep behavior and topics appropriate to the environment where they are being discussed.


:heavy_minus_sign:Observations for your consideration :heavy_minus_sign:

People very upset with all of this have every right to feel that way if that’s what they choose. People who don’t give a flying f*** about any of this have every right to feel that way if they choose…

The thing is, the matter at hand is already pretty polarized. I doubt there’s too many of us that upon the next reply will change their opinion one way or another. In that light there’s not really a need to go back and forth… Of course humans tend to do human things so we’ll probably keep going in circles until it’s released, myself included…

The other thing is that most everything that can be said about the situation has already been said. I doubt there is any new info that one of us might bring up that hasn’t been discused. I’m sure Elektron knows of all of this but also at the same time it’s not officially monitored by them. There does exist official direct ways to communicate such things to them, but I’m sure they already know…

In a nutshell, I don’t think this thread does anything but have us going around in circles with some of us at odds against others. Whatever this thread can do, I believe it’s already done in the last 929 replies… Of course it doesn’t matter because there’s probably no stopping the circle until it’s released…
But just sayin…

Just my opinion, I have no requirement for anyone to agree with me, and in case your ready to respond back at me, just know I wish you the best and hope for us all to live long fruitful lives…


If OB works as advertised, everyone that considers it a vital part of a future workflow will be quite pleased. And there is a great chance that many of those that wax “I personally don’t give af abt OB” will eventually see how useful it will be for them. I find that amusing.

I agree with that I just don’t think the replies on this thread here will change too many peoples minds pre-release…
A very well working released OB could definitely change people’s minds…

Indeed. When I had the MKI versions, I wasn’t using overbridge much, except i found it a quick and easy way to audition sounds and put them in the sound pool. Using the menus on the device is grueling for this task in comparison after being used to that convenience. Not to say it can’t be done, but I’ve been spoiled. I think unless those people don’t have computer in their studio at all, they will find at least that will be of use to them. That and discrete outs into the daw for tracking.



Elektron is not on the exhibitors list of the Musikmesse on 11–14 April.

Superbooth 18 on 3-5 May can be a chance to see OB alive. Just speculating of course.

I know they can’t really win but I don’t think “piss on the customers expectations” was the right choice. their mistake was pretty much purely the marketing. Imagine the sales if they’d never mentioned OB being possible and then released it as a surprise, they’d have been able to boost the price after initial sales, extend the life cycle of the boxes and everyone who bought for overbridge still would have anyway, maybe even more people

Nobody would have moaned and elektron would have seemed like heroes looking out for the Everyman, particularly after adding TCs to OT. They’d be riding the hype for ages, and they’d have been able to advertise overbridge way more aggressively. I really think choosing money now over more money later put them at a huge disadvantage