Steam Deck

how does the difficulty ramp up in pixel cup soccer in career mode?
seems quite difficult at early stage as your own team members have so few skills… feels like its a bit of grind? i.e. do matches, lose them but gains skills?

I do dip in and out, so its quite likely/possible… Im just not giving it the time it needs…
(in fairness, I always wanted to just play the occasional match, rather than the career/complete it)

yeah, if you feel like you want to complete games… focusing seems best way.
but I quite like the variety… so have lots ‘on going’.

Im really waiting for Starfield at the moment, and didnt really want to start anything new…

BUT someone told me, every SciFi fan needs to play Mass Effect trilogy .
and wow, they were right…

Im now about 50% thru Mass Effect 1 - sure it looks/feels a bit dated (even though remastered).
but the story telling / character development are truly fantastic, puts the vast majority of modern games to absolute shame…
so, Ive got my work cut out on this now… try to get most of it done before Starfield’s release.

I’ve also come back to Kerbal Space Program (partly because KSP2 is releasing soon).
I keep forgetting how to use it, but its a truly fantastic ‘simulator’ … Im hoping this time to get a bit further… it’s a tricky ‘game’ to get started in, but really opens up once you get beyond the basics.

I came very close to buying the Mass Effect trilogy when last on sale. I only ever played the second one and fancied a bit of a sci fi opera vibe but passed for now. Will def check it out when back on sale though - how does it run?

Still waiting for my Steam Deck (the delivery company has delayed delivery „indefinitely“ 🫤), but just wanted to mention services such as CDKeys, where I tend to find and buy games at a good discount outside of Steam‘s own sale cycles. Bought some 8 games (5 of them AAA titles) for the price of one XBox game on there, definitely a big advantage of PC gaming.

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@J0n35y , where Ive got to so far, its running really well… and the text is not too small (which can be an issue with some games)

@hausland ,
yeah cdkeys always have stuff cheap, and has worked well for me.
just bare in mind, as far as I understand it… cdkeys are not authorised sellers - basically they work by buying keys in ‘cheap’ regions (whilst on sale), and then reselling to those of us in the tier 1 category.
(if you look at , you can see valves pricing structure and how it works)
so, there is a potential that valve/publishers could lock out keys from different regions.
but never had it so far, and you can save a lot of $, so even if one did fail, you’d still be in he $.

the alternative are places like humble bundle are authorised sellers.

so… I tend to compromise on this,
if its something, I really want, and want to support devs/valve, I’ll buy thru Steam on sale, or an authorised seller…
if its something, id possibly not buy at the price, or never on sale, I’ll consider cdkeys.

btw: also details price history, so you can see how frequently a title is on sale, and what the usual discount is.


It is a bit of a grind but for some reason I love grindy games like this and Diablo for example.

What I noticed is when you play friendlies against really great teams, they crush you. So the more stars, the more the players have a bunch of skills that make them much tougher to play against. I would imagine it stays challenging each first season in each higher league until you can level up your players enough to have a similar team ranking. Once you surpass them it becomes cruise control.

Whats odd is I have players score like 5 goals in a match but they don’t really get much extra XP from that. Not sure how that is delegated.

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Pretty sure I saw someone post there steam renoise button config somewhere, have to search again for it now i have both!

synced via ableton link? can you even use and audio interface on it?

so as of feb 2023 are there good/usable music making options on steam deck when using as handheld (without mouse/keyboard)?

I saw headless m8 but that requires teensy and is just using SD as a screen, is there any program that is usable without plugging other stuff in?

I heard bitwig is linux compatible but that looks pretty tough to control with the SD touchpads

renoise would need some kind of keyboard to be productive I assume

ableton needs a compatibility layer inbetween right? and then is gonna be tough to control

I guess thinking about it the only things realistic are programs that can be controlled with a gamepad /touch screen , so trackers basically…

Edit: Nothing music related to add, so a bit off-topic:

I’ve mostly been playing Amiga/C64 games on EmuDeck on mine. But other than that, a couple of favourites has been:
Gloomhaven (I play once a week online with 3 friends, so nice to be able to join even when travelling)
Quake 3 Arena (some tinkering required to set it up properly, but being able to play such a skill-focused, fast-paced FPS on a hand-held device is amazing to me. Flick Stick + Gyro controls are fantastic for this.
Second Front (I’m a fan of the Advanced Squad Leader boardgame, and this is almost the same game in digital format. Nice, relaxed turn-based gameplay that makes sense on a handheld.)

I came across the Cryo Utility last night and set it up Steam Deck today. Could purely be my imagination as only really tested with Age of Empires 4 but Im getting very solid frames and with medium settings now whereas it was a bit lumpy and shitty looking on low settings before.

If at all interested just search reddit for “Cryo Steam Deck”. There’s also a video and resources here:

It’s basically a very simple to run improvement to the memory management of Steam OS within Linux (I think - probably getting some things wrong). It’s not overclocking or anything like that - seems very safe.

@Abhoth - thanks for the Gloomhaven and Second Front suggestions. Kind of looking for something to sink my teeth into so will give them a good look. Def on the shortlist as is Dwarf Fortress that I’m still tempted by.

Has anyone tried Midnight Sons?

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For those installing windows on the steam deck, does it have much impact on gaming performance vs the native OS?

I’m still kinda flabbergasted by the handheld pcs coming out. My ageing PC is used for DAW, gaming and general life admin but chugs along just fine 12 years later. I’m not desperate to play brand new games and have a decade of Steam library still to get through.

Honestly, the idea of a handheld that would trounce my current PC in performance, and that I can just plug into my existing KVM monitor via usb c is pretty tantalising.

I feel like it’s going to lock you more into an upgrade cycle than a desktop machine though, so eh.

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Ooohhhh where’d you get that cover?? Looks ace!

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makes it feel like a steampunk relic or somat. goes with my coffee table too :joy:

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Heck yeah, love it!

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…and now my life just started! Steam deck heads gather around!

Shameless rip-off of the switch thread, but lets go:
Favourite games? Favourite games for the handheld format?
Best deals? Your special music related quirks using the thing? (I for example installed reaper right away)
Is it your only gaming device, have you managed to play stuff more?
etc etc :slight_smile:

I’m a PC gamer, but with the Deck, I’ve almost exclusively been using it as a retro machine. Specifically 6th generation console gaming (PS2, Xbox etc.). Although, I’ve also been playing Bethesda RPG’s more than ever. I grew tired of their formula on Desktop and prefer deeper RPGʼs, but I find Bethesda games super fun while laying in bed.

I haven’t tried anything music related as I’ve yet to find something that looks like it could work well enough. I own Bitwig, but it looks quite clunky to use.

Another interesting note: Nreal Air augmented reality glasses are plug and play with the Deck and work quite well. Something you might want to try if you want to enjoy the Deck while laying in bed without having to hold it up to your face. Maximum comfort. :sunglasses: