Step input using external midi input

Hi Everyone,

I know I can record live using external midi keyboard , but I wondered if i could use the midi keyboard to enter notes in step mode?

Yes, in grid recording mode you just hold down the trig and key the note on the keyboard.

Brilliant, what I was doing was entering the trig and then holding down to try and change pitch. Makes sense though I’ll try later. Step entry like this gives more control around velocity

Try to call it Grid recording (as @bibenu had corrected it to) to avoid confusion - it’s been loosely referred to as step record around these parts for a while, so understandable, but in Elektron parlance, Step is now a distinct third record mode, not in Cycles (yet?)

Use the cycles’ Auto Channel for the external keyboard midi input btw

Thanks , grid recording it is then !

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Thanks for your help, works a treat .