Stereo samples?

Dumb question:

Was just scouring the manual and either i missed it or im just dumb

Anyway, can the MD record samples in stereo?

Much appreciated fellas! :slight_smile:


You can however use two rec machines and pan the recordings hard left and right… information as such is in the manual and can be found by using search engines! ‘Machinedrum stereo’ results in plenty of tips.

thanks! bummer though, I really wanted to record a sample in stereo due to effects. Like do some fancy in the box editing and then put it in the MD :frowning:

Thanks :slight_smile:

The above workaround (2 rec/play machines panned left right) will work and you could even prep your samples on your computer (export stereo as two mono channels).

It works perfect and you can set the “left” machine to trigger the “right”, so everything is always in sync with the sequencer!

Be creative!!

Well, i would acutally need to use three samples for this. I have this nifty kick that I have multi tracked in the box. left/right pan in slowly with reverb and the third channel is in mono(+compressed) when the kick goes BOOM. So i think ill figure somethign out. Would love for it to be in the MD or octatrack. BUt that kind of detail only matters with headpheones i guess :confused:

The greatest thing about the MD is that you have 16 !!! tracks to do with whatever you want… so with you’re above starting point, one kick in the centre and the processed kick left and right you’d still have 13 tracks left to play around with!!

Yeah i know. BUt between controlling all my hardware synths with the MD, tracks get taken up pretty quickly.

I appreciate all of your advice! I have a lot of messing around to do to figure out the solution xD Thanks!