Stimming OT review

I think it’s because it has so many cool features and methods to explore but also has one of the most chaotic menu systems of all devices on this planet. :slight_smile:


I use 96khz for my sound library.

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You are describing my mind. Hopefully both menu systems will cancel out, letting me reaching Nirvana :smiley:


Thanks. I’ve never tried to sample anything on a serious level - like making a real sample library as opposed to just sampling audio with the intention of mangling it beyond recognition. So I was just curious.

I used the OT since day 1, I don’t really think it is any more difficult to use than any other deep gear, I do think some people don’t give it enough time though to learn the structure - based on how many people say they don’t know why they lost a recording, or that they don’t understand how saving works etc.


well… they’re 12 years and $1600 apart. so yes, the MH should sound better.

if they put MH level conversion into the OT, it’d cost $5k. anyone prepared to pay that?


I agree, the point he made, not withstanding is a valid one, was a bit superficial.

He did not explain where the issue is, what the issue is and why there is an issue.

Stating there is €1 converter does not really mean or add anything

He is not explaining very well if the problem is when you record audio and you listen to it via the master outputs or if the audio is degraded when you route an another instrument in the inputs and route it to the master outputs.

The suggestion he gave make me think that he referred to the second point.

Because adding a Boum, a Heat or any other sound processing to a shit recording will not solve the issue

If you record with poor and low quality converters your recoding will sound poor, closed and no matter what dynamic processing you add later it will not make a huge difference.

It also seems to be a lot of confusion on the forum on this topic

I have re-watched the video and he said that he has this issue with the Octatrack but not with the A4

This made me thinking that he is referring to audio being degraded when another instrument is routed to the inputs and re-routed to the master outputs.

Well the MH costs £1600 and more because there is a lot of research and technology in there which makes it a state of the art sound card/converter

It is not just the Top range of Asahi Kasei converter that is installed on board but the sum of all parts together that make the AKM converters out performing a lot of others sound cards on the market.

Looking at what Darenanger has shared I think they could have installed a better converter with better spec.

exactly. that’s why they couldn’t just pop a different chip into the OT when they did the mk2 version. it would’ve been a bigger change in the overall design; boards, components and code would’ve changed. it would’ve driven the price up.


Totally agree.

I use the DT more often in the last year or two because it is fun and immediate and sounds great.
But when I put the OT in front of me, despite not having that ultra hifi EQ hit, it is simply so much more useful when you want to go beyond the drum sampler paradigm.

If anything, learning quickly to like the DT and its instant gratification has opened my eyes to a similar fast process with the OT that I’d not used before


This! So funny the way people absolutely lose their sh*t over this topic, like tears to my eyes funny. The OT loyalty thing is weird beyond reason. I mean it’s gear - amazing amazing gear - be we’re allowed to be critical right and it’s not all or nothing to be sure.

Fwiw, I hear the sonic signature of the OT (i.e. quality issue) even with 24bit engaged (but as someone pointed out on another thread, what other hardware performance sample doesn’t colour the sound to some degree? None that I find interesting).

That said, I’ve been able to make things with the OT that I haven’’t been able to make w/out it and I love it. Really great gear that I’ll probably keep forever.

Now - on to more important issues like getting another coffee and popping over to read the OT Sound Quality thread :rofl:


This is akin to people losing it over vim vs. emacs debates in the developers community. These are so unfriendly to beginners (UI/UX-wise) that you actually have to go past the stockholm syndrome to enjoy it. And then you start to think it’s perfect.



(and I’m a Vim user because obviously it’s better than emacs :-P) #flames


Octatrack users will be pleased. :+1:


I sold my Roland System-1m for the same reason. And a WMD module. It’s like engineers only test their stuff in daylight…


Same regard WMD for me.

Okay, I really couldn’t take this thread anymore so to end this ridiculous debate now once and for all I sent out a communiqué to nils frahm to ask him his definitive thoughts on the subject of quality regarding the octatrack…

as it turned out he never got back to me and while this not only proves my point it just goes to show that…


It is and most probably the people that are losing the shit on this topic are those that makes music as a hobby