Stimming OT review

then people hear it on the radio and say “damn, the converters on this track SUCK”


Lol yes! That’s what ppl always hear first…
Converters! :slight_smile:
Yeah I was actually just talking about my own standards … and even that was stretched!


(Although I can always pick an SH101 bass patch :stuck_out_tongue: )

I’ve got a couple things that might fool you re: sh101 :slight_smile:

not to worry, these hands don’t touch ‘B’ product

Even with Filter / Timestretch off?

11’25 “why doesn’t it record ?” coming from a touring musician that has used the machine for the last 10 years or so. Totally sums up the Octatrack. :smiling_imp:

Yeah it’s too complicated for some people. :pl:



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Thats what you call Karma for dissing it.

What do you mean?

Is that the Converter installed in the OT Mk2?

It has medium specifications ( dynamic range 102 on the A/D)

Not bad not the top.

In line with an entry level sound card from Native instruments or M-audio.

I can assume that! :content:

Because he was in Grid Recording in the Rec Setup page. Manual recording doesn’t work in these conditions. It works in Grid Recording out of Rec Setup page, or in the Rec Setup page with Grid Rec off. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I admit that should be corrected.


Well it isn’t a €1 part like used in an old cell phone is it?

Yes in line with a current entry level soundcard, so what? People made hit records with far less.

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Agreed, not €1 converter.

Agreed on the entry level sound card point too.

There was too much love for the OT here, I needed to balance that. For me that ship has sailed long ago. I’ll be waiting for the next gen OT (that is not a paint job) :laughing:


The problem for me is some people are likely to believe it, because he said it, it is not a problem because I’m worried that it could affect Octatrack sales, that isn’t my concern, but if you are going to provide a review then you need to get your facts right, or the review is pointless, IMHO.


Yes, i know that the filter and timestretch and some of the reasons it sounds so bad but i use those two fx the most. Other fx are sounding like shit too!
As a matter of fact, I can’t think of anything that was released in the last 10-12 yrs, having fx algorithms as shitty as OT! (Anything costing more than a cup of coffee)

If you don’t like the sound of the fx that is one thing, I think it depends on what you are comparing them to, and if you know how you to use them, but the record quality is not related to the fx or how much you dislike them is it?

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EQ, Compressor, Dark verb, Distortion and filter are good enough.

I don’t really use the comb filter.

What I find strange are the phaser, flanger and chorus. At first I thought “well these are broken”. Then realised they sort of need bringing to life with the lfo’s to get them to sound “right”.

But I’m not too put off by this, as I only use them when playing around. When I do serious work with OT, I will add samples which have already had fx applied externally.

As an aside, there are a lot of awful modulation fx out there in the digital realm. Just awful. Ableton, I’m looking at you in particular!

OT can be a bitch! Not perfect, still bugs.
Still unique with its sequenced recorders, ability to plays buffers directly.

Made by Elektron?
I wouldn’t want to wait 10 more years!

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