Stopping infinite arp

is it somehow possible o stop an arp with infinite note lengh without stopping the sequencer? on the a4 i can just play another note, but on digitone that doesnt work cause its polyphonic. any other trick? its pretty annoying when you go from one pattern with arp to another one without and it just keps going forever :wink:

Does muting/unmuting the track work?

no, just temporarily. after unmuting it continues…

Play a silent four note chord?

cant try now, but also not sure, as its 8 note polyphony. so a 8-note chord would probably work… but thats a bit of an overkill to do on the fly and will definitely disturb the rest ob the pattern quite a lot :smiley:

What happens when you play the same root note of the arp again? Instead of a different note…

Will try that , but again that’s quite unpractical,specially if you don’t have perfect pitch hearing :wink:

Also another thing to try - hold the track button and press stop. (I don’t have a digitone - but it’s something that works on some of the other boxes). Sorry that these suggestions are just stabs in the dark. It may well be that this is a issue that elektron will have to address.

Just put in a trigless trig with 0 note length at the end of a pattern That should work.

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so just had time again to try it, neither of your suggestions work :slight_smile:
but ive found re-enabling and disabling the arp does work. sorry that i didnt found that easy solution in first place :confused:

so, i had the problem again several times… only way to stop hangin notes is indeed to place a silent 8voice trig on every channel.
that is impossible in a live situation. I will place a bug report as there has to be a quick possibility to silence tracks.


Similar issue here, I made an intro with a drone note (length set to INF) that is playing for several patterns. I would like to stop that drone brutally in order to start a totally new pattern.

Is there another way than making an 8 voice silent chord? Because I don’t want that silent chord to disturb what is going on the new pattern…


So, lets make that trig a condition ome for fill. This way the note will stop when you press fill

Or mute the note. And while
Muted manually decrease the note length?

Thanks for the answer! The thing is that I already have a condition set as « 1st » as I don’t want it to start again every time because it’s an evolving pad

I start my set with a drone, using a note with Release set to INF. If you do it this way, you can stop the sequencer, and switch to your next pattern, while the drone note continues. Then a quick double-press of Stop will kill the drone.

Yes I see thanks, the thing is that I have other stuff going on on other tracks, so I can’t stop the sequencer.

But I think I just found a way! I play the same drone note again in the beginning of the new pattern, and P Lock velocity and length to the minimum. And it works, it stops the drone

Sorry if someone already wrote that solution down before, I’m new to the Digitone and still need time to understand things haha

Thank you all for your answers, much appreciated!