Strange Midi Issue

Hey guys,

there’s a strange midi sync issue I’m having with my DT & DN. My goal is to sync up my Meris pedals through my Elektron boxes. When connecting the midi out of my OT they are instantly synced up but when I try the same with my DN (which is connected to my laptop in Overbridge mode) I can only sync my pedals, when I also connect my audio interface to my laptop. I’ve also tried to disconnect everything from my DN, put it USB Midi Mode and only use the midi out but still no luck.

Thanks for any helpful tips!

I think in order to help probably need a bit more info: What are your clock send/receive settings on the Digitone? What are your MIDI settings on your DAW? Which DAW? How (precisely) is everything connected up here? Quite a lot of variables in the mix (esp with a DAW in the mix) so will be hard to diagnose without the full picture.

Clock receive and send is both enabled. There’s now DAW opened. Everything is just connected to the laptop for no particular reason. I just did a trial and error run and this was the only scenario where everything works out but I don’t know why :smiley:

The pedals are connected to the Digitone or to your laptop?

Via midi cable to the Digitone