How does this work as a sampler? Can you drag something in and get unique ideas out of it? I’m always looking for new ways to restructure vocal melodies.
never attended a knight either!
Using the iOS version here; thing still missing is sample audition, so you have to know which sample you want to load to avoid multiple reloading, but it’s on the roadmap apparently. You can modulate pitch, start and end points (sample plays reverse if end point comes before start), filter c/o (LP, BP, HP), res, sample rate and bit depth. You can load up to 8 sample machines.
Thank you. Sounds pretty basic for what I am looking to do (creative sampler) but still a pretty cool little software workstation.
Version 3.11 was released today which adds multiple outs for the 8 voice engines (synths samplers) - a great addition!
I guess at core it’s a rhythm sequencer, but by carefully setting scales for modulation it’spretty neat for generating melodies you wouldn’t come up with otherwise.
Any good resources that demonstrate the generative melody capabilities in particular?
Yeah, there are a bunch of videos but none of them had a name that made it obvious that it would demonstrate generative techniques. I appreciate you pointing to that specific video as a starting point.
If it does drag and drop from Files then Sample Crate offers sample previewing.