Struggling to find my workflow, what is yours?

Hello everyone,

I have just acquired an Digitakt and Digitone a month ago, while I am getting my way
around those, this is a major paradigm change for me since I used to rely mostly on
very tight sequencing of clips and arrangement editing in Ableton with a lot of off-the-grid elements.

I would like to hear from you people about a few points I am struggling with:
(currently working with overbridge latest version in Ableton 10)

  • I would like to have digitone/digitakt to start when I click on a scene or a clip that would
    be changing the patterns AND NOT having my current pattern triggered when I push the Ableton top play button.

I have been looking around the forum and try max for live solution, but it is still incredibly buggy.

So for people working with both daw and Elektron what are your workflow steps for production and live performance?

Do you first work with Elektron hardware then record then cut the recordings into audio clips etc or
is there something I am missing?