Stuck in a rut, need recommendations to break out of it

You said it yourself: the mind relates to the soul. The brain is a totally different thing.

no, it absolutely does not feel the same as working with computer. i never really liked doing music with a computer/laptop – but instantly loved iPad. nor it’s a piece of hardware – it’s a thing of its own.

also, i found that iPad is not troublesome when it comes to a hybrid setup and syncing it with hardware.

PS. 9th gen is totally fine.


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love this angle… going to try and sketch more


Elektronauts is my favorite online community too. I really wish social media and discord weren’t seen as good replacements for a proper forum like this.

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It’s certainly an issue of scale determining dominant culture.

For the most part we are able to talk to each other as humans as we’re in proximity, if I see someone I disagree with regularly, I can usually ignore the poster, and moderators are relatively less overworked and aren’t channeled towards profit drive to support protecting bad-faith actors.

When any community scales drastically upward, the rate of change makes it impossible to maintain any social contract and it gets stuck in a bunch of hit & run dunking on people (koff koff Twitter) and shitposting to get a rise out of others.

Some of that is inevitable, but it’s fewer and far between, and generally good faith is able to be offered to your average post/poster.

Also not having an explicitly generalist focus helps here, in that life is politics but we mostly post about it as we post about other stuff going on in the world as asides to more creative or technical topics.

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This is cool, I like the emotional nostalgia approach.

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Thank you! I’m a very nostalgic person, maybe that’s why my music all sounds the same! :smile:


I would stick with that approach it drives the creativity well by the sounds of it!

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When I can’t move forward with a bunch of crap stuff I made, I cut and paste a few sequenced tracks over each other. It has given me ideas for new melodies from two rhythms that were completely different.
I use the SquarpPyramid mostly, but it could be easily done with recordings of the tracks.

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Nice track , very cool shifting melodies - you have it !

That’s a pretty cool idea! I did that once unintentionally when I started working on a Digitakt pattern that I believed was empty, but when I hooked it up to my rig I discovered it already had a midi sequence programmed that complemented the pattern in a way I would’ve never thought of intentionally.

Thank you very much! :pray: