Studio One 6

Studio One 6 dropped about an hour ago.

Well pick it up then


Nothing to get excited about unless you need video IMO and pretty expense to update (especially in EU with taxes and poor exchange rate), I’ll be giving this one a miss, redirect funds to something more fun!

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The video thumbnail instantly put me off it


They know their audience Craig, and it ain’t you.

It ain’t me either to be fair, although I did use Studio one 3 for a bit. I quite liked it.


why would anyone need a DAW after the song mode released?

(joking, don’t kill me plz)


I like the dynamic eq

Nothing in it for me either so will skip this one. I haven’t scratched the surface with 5.5. Can wait for 7 I think. Getting to diminishing returns on some of these mature applications.


Yea the upgrade price is a little ridiculous I think. Really not enough groundbreaking content to justify that. Seems more like they’re trying to get everyone into their Sphere subscription model.

I’m running Studio One Artist 5 and I don’t even see an option to upgrade. Looks like I’d have to buy it again. Which I will pass on doing also.

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…studio one?..that’s this daw that mashed up protools, logic and cubase into some brandnew but oldschool thing, innit?

my daw feels blue…

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I’m on SO 5 Professional, and the upgrade price is pretty hidden(stupid UI decision) once you login you have to go to orders > shop and you’ll see your upgrade price.

50 usd for artist, 150 for professional

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Ahh. Thanks mate. Well not as painful as I thought.

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I really like Studio One, but this one looks like it should have been a 5.x release…nothing all too exciting I can see in the What’s New? section…I like the updates to the mixer and channel view, but that’s hardly worth a version jump. Minor UI tweaks, a few updated plugins that in past versions were ok but not in the same ballpark as the best 3rd party stuff, and then what else? well, 5.5 is awesome, I’ll happily use that till they come around with something more exciting.

I reckon the inclusion of the new medium of video is the foundation for the x.0 upgrade.

Also, I reckon they expected to be greeted with this response to the drop.

But, if Studio One is your DAW of choice, and you want to be more outgoing with your music to include video format exclusively from the one program- i can see the benefit of that to people.

Especially since a license to do something like that in Ableton is much pricier, and its more of a hack than a built in feature. Or I suppose Adobe products MAY be able to do that, but it has a hearty subscription fee


I think video track would be super useful I am just not anywhere near utilising it but think it is really great for those who need this and it was one of those features being asked for a lot.

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…let’s see how bitwig will handle the video subject within it’s 5.0 version next year…

working along picture is a must for a daw…if i would be on studio one, i’d be happy…
for now, working with picture lock is still logic domain here…can’t wait til bitwig finally also integrate this feature without further alternative use of external video player plugins…

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I’m a big fan of Studio One, but the new update does not offer me much in regards to features. The new video features are interesting, but Digital Performer is my DAW of choice for short films and other video-related content. It is doubtful the upgrade will cause me to convert.

Eventually I will upgrade, but not any time soon. Nevertheless, I am glad Studio One remains actively developed after the sale to Fender, and the pricing model has so far remained intact.


I too am a big fan of Studio One, it’s my primary DAW for mixing/mastering, but I greatly prefer Bitwig for overall fun and creative exploration. There’s really very little (for me) in this upgrade. I’ll probably sit out until 6.5 or possibly 7.x. I like the improvements to EQ3 and if you use mostly stock plugins it’d be great, but I have many other options. Fader flip is pretty nice for someone doing a lot of mixing, but I’m not really seeing much else (again for me).

Had the upgrade cost been $75-100, I’d probably have jumped in, but $150 is a hard pass for now. I’ve only used this company once before and can’t really endorse them, but they’re offering the upgrade for $120 if you own already own Pro.

Studio One 6 Professional Update | Presonus |

Be aware, I’ve read on other forums it’s taking them a couple days to get the serial number to you after purchase, so not an instant thing.

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I use the same DAWS as you for the same reason and am also waiting…for 6.5 or 7 as I have no real need to update. Much more excited for the next Bigwig upgrade as you never know what those guys will drop, lots of innovation!

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No upgrade discount for black friday, a bit disappointed. Looks like Sphere is getting priority push.

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