Stuipd Question on pattern copy to an expanded scale

Hi all,

When i create a pattern within the 16/16 scale and decide to increase my scale to 32/32, must i program all the notes again to fill the 32/32 or is there a copy function i do not understand? I read the documentation and appears i can only copy a pattern to another bank, not copy 16 note to another expanded 16 notes for 32 total. Hope that makes sense.


Hello Noisemaker.
When you make a 16/16 pattern than change the scale to 32/32 it supposed to duplicate what you have made.
This however has been very buggy for me, so I often have to enter everything twice. I’m not sure why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

^ this is simple:
it will only duplicate pages if there are no steps in the range that’s used to expand into…
so if you expand a pattern to 32 steps, put some steps into the 17-32 range, then reduce to 16 steps, make changes to the first page, and then expand it again, the first page will not be copied into 2nd page.

so this is not a bug… however, it would be great to have a method of copy/clear/paste pages for all tracks, not just one track (as well as step rotation for all tracks…)

what Dacava said, but you can also copy individual pages (= 16 steps) in individual tracks when you are in grid record mode (solid REC LED), hold the page/scale button, and copy/paste…

I wish this were the case, but it is not. I’ve experimented with this, clearing entire patterns, starting from scratch with a 16 step pattern, and then changing it to 32 steps, and not having the pattern carry over. So… perhaps it’s just my machine. I’ve tried re-installing the latest MDUW OS to see if it fixes the issue (as well as an empty reset).

We’ll see:)

hmmm… can you reproduce it?

Hello Void,

Yes I can, but it’s inconsistent. I really cannot determine why sometimes it’ll work and sometimes it wont. My only suspicion is perhaps when you clear a pre-existing pattern, and program a new pattern, perhaps the previous length 32 step or 64 step is saved somewhere in the memory and doesn’t get cleared.

As stated, I’ve re-installed the latest operating system, did a factory reset as well as an empty restart. I’ve started making some new tracks… I will let you know if the issue persists.



Thanks for the replies! Seems like i will need to live with it. Building the patterns up to 4 bars seem slightly cumbersome but the good out weighs the bad. I will just get the core pattern in 16 then scale it up to 64 and edit the loop.

@dacava ok thx…

well the reason I’m wondering is, I’m working with algorithmic pattern creation, coding/decoding sysex etc… in other words, I’ve looked very closely at how the MD does stuff and never seen this happen.

I mean, it’s certainly possible that it is indeed a bug, my guts tell me that it’s more likely that this one is a misinterpretation on your side though… :slight_smile:

Hello Void,
It’s possible it’s a misinterpretation. We’ll see. As stated, I’ve got a completely clear palette, I’ll see what happens.

Hello Void,
Okay… so it’s not me.
I just created a pattern from scratch, utilizing only machinedrum sounds. When I created the pattern, it was a 16 step pattern. I hit the shift button, selected the scale setup and changed it to 64 steps. None of the trigs, notes etc… carried over.
So… this problem is still happening, even after a reset etc… so I guess this feature is buggy, unless you can tell me I did something wrong above.
I’ve done this for some time know (roughly 1 year) sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. It is not working for me right now.

PS… I was in record mode when I did this, I wonder if that’s the reason? I turned off record tried it again, but alas, nothing happened:(


I think I figured it out. When I select the pattern length, I was using the arrow buttons. I just tried it again, but instead of using the arrow buttons used the pattern length selection button to toggle between the various lengths. When I did this it worked fine. So, perhaps it was using the arrow buttons to make the pattern length selection that was #ucking things up.

I subscribed to this thread. I will let you know if this is permanent or just another glitch.


i dont know if you sorted it but was having a similar issue, I noticed as soon as you change to 32 from 16 you cant go back on it , I have to clear the pattern first and re write it in the 16 , so yeah make sure you dont change to 32 until you have everything in the first 16 then jump to 32 so on, im still new to this so i hope i have been some help , cheers