Stupid question... save project on A4 MKI


On my DT and DN there is a shortcut (FUNC + gear button) to simply save the current project. No asking for slot, no asking for a name. Just saves the current project in the same slot.
On my new (second hand) A4 MKI I just can’t find a shortcut to do this. Right now when I want to save the current project I’m working in I press FUNC + Global (last key “C” on the mini keyboard) and do a “Save Project” command but it ask me the slot I want to save in and the name I want to give to the project. Silly because I don’t want to change the name of the project nor the saving slot.

I would like to have a quicker way of saving project. Am I missing something? Is there any shortcut like in the Digi machines?


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This is a Mk I quick guide that’s useful:
A4_Cheet_Sheet_1_1.pdf (486.1 KB)


I don’t think there is such a shortcut. You can do a long hold of the fun+Global buttons and this will take you straight to the save project page but you still need to double tap yes to confirm the slot (I actually hate this feature hah) as opposed to a quick press of func+global which takes you to the global menu.
It sounds like you are already using this shortcut tho.

Yes, I am aware of the long press global shortcut, but still too annoying.
It would be easier to have a quicker way of saving like on the DIGIS.

Thanks anyway.

Thanks for the quick guide.
Anyway, no shortcut for instant saving project. :worried:

And this could have been easily done as the combination [Yes/Save]+[Global] seem to be free :-/