Stupid sync question

I would like to be able to write sequences for the synthesizer and MC in the ableton, for this I want to connect the MC directly to my audio interface via midi using it as a drum machine and transmit the signal to the synthesizer through it. Tell me the best routing to do this please.
I have basically no idea even if the MC can transmit notes to synth.

Read up on using and configuring the Thru port in the manual.

Interface to MC in via dongle, MC Thru via dongle to Synth

All MIDI coming to the In Port will Go to the Thru - so you will have to configure your MC Midi settings carefully or select channels which avoid clashes with the MC - e.g. sending Midi notes (Thru) on a channel that the MC is not using should be straightforward

The best way to learn is to try and make all the mistakes

The MC can do very rudimentary Note sequencing (set on a per Track basis which mirrors the internal sequence for that track, mono only)