Sub Osc pitch [resolved]

So I’ve discovered that if I have the OSC shape to off but the Sub osc turned on to the 20CT shape, I get a nice squarish juno-esque bassline.

Problem is, becuase the OSC wave shape is set to off, If i play the keyboard it only plays one note/pitch on all keys. So to make any kind of melody with the bass, I have to lock the tuning for each trig on the sequencer.

Has anyone discovered a way to play the sub osc on the keyboard so it has different pitch?

The sub does follow pitch. Did you turn off keytrack accidentally?


Yes as @garf says even if osc is set to off, if you have TRK set to on the sub tracks the keyboard.


i like it too, it can sound ‘cleaner’ than the main osc square, less fizzy/buzzy to my ears.

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Yes TRK was set to off, i look dumb now lol

Still new to this thing

Thanks guys, topic can be deleted, or not

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