Subforums for different devices – yay!

It’s great to see a thing I wanted in the old forum implemented here: different subforums for the different Elektron machines. Good call!

It is cool, but I was thinking that I’d like to be able to to cross-reference or have a general forum for those ‘How do I connect my X to my Y’ posts.

I don’t mind the subforums.

However, I would love it if you would implement the “MORE…”
link that existed for RECENT FORUM TOPICS.

By clicking that I could get all of the most recent topics in ANY forum all at once.
The traffic is small enough I could get an over-view of the days/weeks discussions.


This has been answered in another thread for Johnathon but for others reading and thinking the same, on the Home page there is a Forum Activity tab that lists all recent posts across all sub-forums.