Subharmonicon + Jumble Henge


I’m new in the modular world and i have a question about the SubH.

Is it possible to send the vco outs of the SubH into the ALM Jumble Henge ? Will i hear the 6 vcos separately in the stereo field ?

When we take the vco outs if the SubH, are they sequenced by the SubH ?

Thanks for your answers :slight_smile:
(and sorry for my poor english…)

Welcome to the forum! It’s been a while since I had the Subharmonicon, but yes, there are modular-level audio outs for each of the six oscillators available in the patchbay. As far as I remember, they adjust to the sequencer and the quantiser settings. However, I think taking them directly out bypasses both the filter and amp (and their respective envelopes), so it’s just the raw tones available at the patchbay oscillator outputs. Someone with a Subharmonicon can confirm this.


Thanks Craig !
So it’s possible, but loosing the filtering and AD capabilities. I’ll think about it !

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I think that’s the case. I think the audio outs are mainly intended for audio rate modulation

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OK, what you mean is that the SubH is not aimed for separating his voices.
Thanks Craig !


Its also wierd, but the voices are tied to the first oscillator also. so if you change the pitch of VCO 1, it affects all the other oscillators.

Theres alot going on with the oscillators, so I understand why… to maintain some control over all the waveforms…

I have the Subharmonicon and Jumble Henge, you can take the VCO outputs of the SH and send them directly to JH but you would be much better putting each of them through a VCA each first for adjusting volume (if you get a multi LFO like Instro Ochd you can have lots of fun modulating the VCA’s) Jumble henge is then very good for filtering and placing each voice in the stereo field.

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I can confirm!

There is a LOT of fun to be had self modulating the SH with these outputs whether at audio rate or sub audio rate…

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