Suggestion: allow comments on Elektron Talk articles

These last few Elektron Talk articles interviewing Game Composers were really great - particularly the last one with Stuart Ross.

I think the interviews would benefit from comments, rather than the Users having to create a new post.

For instance, here is a link to Stuart Ross’s Monomachine-only EP referenced in the piece, “Seasonal Rhythms”.

It’s a corker! All his stuff is worth a listen.

I mean, is there any reason not to just talk about the article/individual on the forum instead?

Well, my point is very few Forum Posts are created to discuss the Talk articles - and I imagine this is because people are inherently lazy, like me.

EDIT: Another option would be for whomever creates the Elektron Talk article to make a Forum Post and link the Talk article from there. If I was Editor - that’s what I would have them do. This would continue to drive traffic to the Talk article after it has dropped off the front page.


I think that’s a solid idea. I just know I’d be unlikely to really comment in the article, but would participate in the discussion if it was on the board.

Brilliant idea !
@Ess @elektronauts you read this ?
Wouldn’t it be nice ?


Yes it’s a good idea to create a discussion when creating a Talk. Infact we’re looking at having comments connected to a Talk. This would be implemented as a generated topic. But until then creating a topic for a new Talk makes sense.