Suggestions for controlling MD via external pads

Last night I hooked up the MPC to the MD so I could more easily tap out and record patterns. It was working fine except I now couldn’t sync it with the Monomachine (which is usually the master) because the MPC was using the MD’s MIDI in. Realizing that the MD could be the master clock, I hooked it up to the MM’s MIDI in but couldn’t get it to sync without also controlling the MM.

I then tried a different approach, using the MPC to trigger the MD via the input A and B, as laid out in the manual. This was a disaster. Not only did the triggered sound come out funny, but the it dramatically slowed down and eventually froze the screen display to the point where I had to turn the MD off and on again. The problem persisted until I set the input levels back to default and the problem seemed to go away.

Any feedback or suggestions?

This sounds like a Midi overflow to me, maybe you wired the cables in a loop? At least sending too much data was the only way I was able to crash the MD. The easiestbway would be to get a Midi merger, but you can also deactivate CC controls somewhere in the MM’s settings.

It’s entirely possible that I didn’t disconnect the MIDI cables before the crash.

Anyone had success with the input A/B? I assume it’s there to save you the MIDI in port, so I’d prefer to go this route if I can get it working properly.

Yea it works, but only for two tracks.
I would still do this with midi, just figure out how to configure it properly so it’s not passing midi notes out of the MD into the MM, only the midi clock.
Maybe set MD midi output to a different channel than MM looks for.

why don’t you just use the MPC as master?? and mm on separate midiouts and clocked from the MPC…

Good question, maybe it’s too obvious? :smiley: I guess Jason ran into problems due to wrong Midi settings, but this is the way to go.

Good thinking, switchbox, That’s exactly what I’ll do. Talk about having the answer right under your nose! :zonked: