Suggestions for optimizing

ever since i got my analog rytm and started to use OB my whole music making world has changed in a way, and i’ve really taken to the idea of having this hybrid setup. it works more or less flawlessly:
analog rytm is synced up to ableton and it sends midi to the rest of my gear. sync is perfect. the rytm also acts as my interface to get all my other hardwares sounds into my daw through rytms audio in.

so now the bad part. besides rytm keeping sync, and being the audio interface, i dont really use it at all for its intended purpose- a drum machine. so i feel bad having it on my desk, basically just existing as a $1400 2 in 2 out interface. i do have lots of other outboard synths samplers and drum machines that get way more use but they’re all going into the AR together so it can be time consuming to track into the daw.

so the obvious choice here is to sell rytm and use those fund to get a solid interface and sync solution. multitrack will be helpful so i can record everything without having to constantly solo gear to get takes into my daw. now, i have been scared away a fair bit around the topic of sync solutions that aren’t OB, but i gotta bite the bullet.

on the interface side, i would need probably around 18 inputs to comfortably run everything. i know therre are solutions with rack mixers and adat expansions etc, there are also the mixer interface combos like the tascam models and stuff. not sure what route to take. hopefully something in the $800 range all together (used stuff a-ok), with outputs that will be easy to route through different things to different effects/samplers. some of the mixer/interface combos seem to be lacking in the ouput/routing department. i’ll add, i dont need to neccesarily run all 18 imputs into my daw simeltaneously, but i do want to be able to patch stuff in without too much fuss, and i do have a random partchbay lying around so i’m willing to go that route too.

would love to hear your guys suggestions. i haven’t bought any new gear in a year and it’s been a very solid year creatively so now i just wanna streamline a bit and keep the momentum going.



Super solid, low-latency interface with insane support value that can work with your patchbay now for the 18 inputs, and expand via lightpipe as needs increase.


That looks really solid. But I think it’s a tad bit out of my budget. Also, my patchbay is just a passive type thing as far as I know, no straight up line ins (Behringee Ultrapatch Pro). So I don’t think it could be used to expand an interface, correct? Just to route stuff different places?

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Yes, a patchbay would not provide 18 inputs simultaneously, only let you have everything hooked up simultaneously.

Yeah, understood that it’s an amount past $800 used. If you can save up. they do a really good job at keeping their line up to date for decades.

oh i see. so basically everything in the studio will go into the patchbay first. and then routed into the 8 inputs on the rme as needed. i see…

do you think the built in midi interface on that will be good enough for getting a solid sync from albeton to the rest of the studio? probably about 6 or 7 devices midi chained at the most

I had an RME card a long time ago. PCI card back when computers crashed all the time. One of the best pieces of computer/audio hardware I’ve ever owned. I would be shocked if any feature on it isn’t superb including midi.

You could get a used babyface and a breakout converter from a lesser manufacturer (behringer)?

If you got a 1010music Blackbox, you could:

  • use it as a drum computer if you liked,
  • sample your OB,
  • record everything into it and use it as a sketchpad

plus there would still be some budget for an audio interface or a Bluebox :wink:

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Lol! Those are cool. But totally not what I need. I have like, 4 samplers in my setup already haha. More I’m looking for a multitrack interface and routing/sync solution to get things in and out of Ableton

(If I was to buy another “fun creative” type device I already have a few in mind on the wishlist. Right now is time for a utility purchase)

Cheapest option by far is:
Behringer UMC1820
(you’ll have to make a judgement re features audio quality!)

Next step up in quality could be:
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20

If you can stretch to it you’ll enjoy the Allen Heath QU-SB with extra routing and FX options and loads of other features you might want plus iPad remote control.

I use a SQ5 as my mixer and interface. Very happy with it but that’s out of your budget. Excellent FX and very versatile and A&H audio quality is great to my ears.

Lots of options in this area

I can see why you are looking for something more utilitarian and potentially time saving. For me, recording tracks one by one works best because the utility setup and maintenance overhead of a more complex solution would keep me from writing.

Dang the Allen and Heath one looks really nice. That also led me to finding the Soundcraft u24r that looks just about PERFECT and would give me more than enough inputs. I’m reading the manual and I’m floored by how much routing options it has. I think with 24 ins, 8 outs, and all of those channels can be routed in all manner of ways to and from each other, including making groups and etc. So I can send stuff to different samplers and effects pretty easily. This will save me from needing an adat expander, or a patchbay! Do you have any experience with this box?

Hey Garfield glad my suggestions were helpful!

I’ve used Soundcraft digital mixers (Si Performer) for live engineering work (bands -not electronic music) and was impressed with the design, clever features, ergonomics and sound quality. But I’ve not used their rack mount digital mixers like the U24r.

Having looked at the product page and also at the demo of the tablet control app it does look great and has some very cool features that the QU-SB does not (record to FLAC, phantom off at restart, cascade 2nd unit, connect HDMI touchscreen to avoid need for WiFi tablet etc!).

I would feel confident in the audio quality given the heritage and the build quality will be good I would imagine. From my brief look at it I’d say it looks better than the QU-SB from a features perspective.

Perhaps someone else can chime in who has direct experience with them in our use-case, particularly with the routing, FX and any limitations you might find in the studio vs live work.

Keen to hear your thoughts if you do get one!

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I created a new thread to see what people think. Your input is much appreciated, wouldn’t have stumbled upon that unit if not for your suggestions. It does seem like this realm of stage units are particularly suited for our kinda studios, more so than the typical audio interface options. I’ve heard good things about, and had good experiences with Soundcraft.