Super fast Ableton Template Frank Wiedemann, Sebastian Mullaert, Stimming & Deadmau5 learnings

I haven’t used that one. TBH I was using many clippers but found the setup I have made for the template is really clean. I have big clipper and more often than not it leads to a lot of distortion and other problems… maybe I’m not using it right…

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Indeed its very clean, i did send some tracks to collegues -and they complained that that my music was to clean for their taste.
I think there is no right or wrong - its more style dependend, metal without distortion or schranz without distortion is unthinkable.

I have a more general question - if you line up the scenes in Abelton - would you lay them down in the timeline - and then consolidate them back to a scene? 4 Scenes per Track is the way to go - or do you create more?
How much automation in the clips makes sense ? There are this multi map devices - where you can remap controllers in on track to several tracks.

I.e. create a version which would normallly run von A-Z as you would leave the track unaltered in the timeline- then make some controls to remix it. Does Group tracks make sense i.e. folding /unfolding isnt midi mappable as far as i deduced - but would allow A/B loops (i.e. switch a percussion loop, on a midi controller button.) (Sampler with mapped sample selector.) Maybe i think to much about how to use it like an OT. )

Hey let me get back to this in more detail once I finally finish the video on making a full track with the template… I made a start but wasn’t happy with it so hoping to do another one today…

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Hey everyone, in case you are interested in making your own digital products and store, I have just uploaded a video on this topic. I’ve decided to start a little side business around making templates and pre-mixed samples for music producers and this video shows the journey :slight_smile:

I go through how this template and interest from musicians led to me experimenting with Gumroad, Sellfy and Shopify. It contains all the learnings from my last 2 months. I wouldn’t have gotten into all this without your amazing feedback and support… thank you everyone!

Not music related content but I hope some of you might find it interesting if you re looking into this kind of thing.


I add this looper to the thread, maybe a interesting device for creating transitions.

I didnt try it out, but the idea is that the master track is feed through the looper, which then captures the current running audio, and with A/B blend back to the changed scene, to mimic Octatrack.

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This is interesting! Sebastian Mullaert has also shared a really cool resampling workflow in his masterclass recently. I still haven’t delved into it but I think this could be a great addition to the package… maybe for a more advanced user version…

Hello friends, just wanted to share I finally managed to record a video showing making a track start to finish in one hour:

It covers a lot of ground, also topics not directly related to the Ableton template. Hope it s of value to you.


Hey Alexhko I just wanted to say I looked into this and you were absolutely right, there was a problem with the OTT settings massively amplifying noise. I have updated them and will update the files in the pack soon. In case you want to fix this quickly, these are the settings I am using now that have fixed this:


Good video, i think it could be a bit shorter overall, dancing to the music is actually very important tip. Also chapters would have been helpful, if its a long video.

I played also with abeltons clipper, i.e device send parameter (mix percentage) to find sweet spots, and i could really see at which levels the peaks got removed or passed. Very helpful template! So happy that you shared this.

Hi Erik, this link doesnt appear to work - I get - “Oops! It looks like you’re trying to access a store that was deleted”

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Thanks for pointing this out, I just fixed it.

And I’ve just bought it! Cheers

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Thank you for your support! let me know if you have any questijns around using it

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Hi @ErikH - I just bought the RF Kicks + Template bundle and I have a few questions, I’ll put them here in case others have similar questions.

  • I can’t seem to find the template download. I see a few Ableton 11 Demo projects but those look different to your most recent video. For example, the compose group is missing the External, and there is no Super Channel. I’m thinking this is an older version?

  • My setup is considerably smaller than yours, but I do have all my hardware patched into my interface. Instead of re-patching and only using a single External track, could I have multiple external tracks, one for each piece of hardware? I know this can be done easily but wondering if there’s any philosophical reason to not do that.

  • Somewhat related, but instead of repatching into a single effect unit (like your Spectral Tempus) for each recording, I’m thinking I could use a return channel and send that to an external effect, or keep it in the box and build an effect chain there. It would mean the synths get recorded dry but I would always hear it with the effects. I realize this might slow me down but the tradeoff is flexibility, especially if I’m collaborating and want someone to remix the track. Thoughts on that?

For reference, here’s my current setup. It’s mono-synth-heavy at the moment, I’m planning on swapping one or two of those out for the MegaFM and/or the Model:Cycles which are on the shelf. All the synths run into Ableton as separate channels via the Zoom L20R, and outputs are from the Focusrite.


Hey my aplogies but indeed the video I recetnly recorded has a more updated version of the template. I will upload the new version ASAP and you will be able to access it on the same download link. I will share here as soon as it s up. Nice setup btw!!! I will get back to your other questions as soon as I can, currently fixing another bug on the site… sorry

Ok the bug is squashed and I have a bit of time now.

About creating channels for every instrument, yes for sure that is possible but from a philosophical point it will clutter up your overview on Ableton. I think this is a very personal choice. For example Sebastian Mullaert does it exactly as you decribe and even has buttons on multiple Xone K2 s mapped to immediately access various instruments and drop into record. I prefer to just have one input channel and physically patch my instruments on the patchbay.

Also I realized the Instrumentts sound beter going direct to the Specular Tempus and doing the dry wet balance there, than when I use it as a send from the Mackie mixer… worth a test in your setup as this was unexpected for me…

I would recommend to try a session or two recording the synths with FX and processing. it s agame changer for speed and you will find your very fast decisions made when you first hear a sound or effects added to a sound are often better than decisions made after 10 minutes of tweaking a plugin or send… You could always to a dry take as a backup, but I stopped doing that quite a long time ago. trust your initial impressions and instinct I would suggest :slight_smile:


Hi Erik,

Now I’m confused: In October I’ve licenced your template via your account.

Now you obviously have an own shop: [] How / where can I get the latest version of your template?

BTW: Version numbers would help to identify about which version you are talking about in your videos and in your postings here. :wink:

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Hey, yes I ve moved over to my Shopify and am working on an update. I will publish it in the next few days and figure out a script or other way to make sure everyone gets access to the new version :relaxed: Bear with me a bit as I have to unify emails from Gumroad Sellfy and Shopify but Inwill make it happen :relaxed:


This! I think this template is going to really help me in that regard. The idea of recording to a static, single channel and then moving the recorded clip into the main section (tracks 1-8) and moving on, is just the kind of commitment I am so fearful of. I’m fortunate to be on sabbatical until January so I’m going to dedicate next week to getting comfortable with this workflow.


Great idea! About to buy it after I finish the video. But I just had to pop in and say the bit with your lady bringing you food and interrupting the recording is absolutely adorable and I am glad you left it in there. So many Youtube things are massively overproduced and that was just…humanizing and fun. We’re all mostly just hanging out in our home studios, getting interrupted all the time. LOL

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