Suspicious behaviour


lately my MDUW+ has been acting out a little…
First, the [FUNCTION] button didn’t really work right, which made it feel completely broken as it was hard to enter MUTE menu etc… —> but a factory reset fixed this, apparently it was a software issue…

Now I’m (sometimes!) noticing a certain lag when tweaking the encoders with MIDI machine tracks, especially in combination with the FUNCTION key… I thought it might be too-much-too-fast MIDI, but it’s just a CC on 5 channels, shouldn’t be an issue… and it’s not just that the MIDI arrives delayed at the other end, the MD screen also doesn’t update instantly… defnitely feels wrong compared to the usual responsiveness of the machine…

if it keeps happening I’ll try and re-flash the OS…

does the MD not love me anymore? has anyone experienced stuff like this?

No guarantees, but try a soft reset from the diagnostic menu.
I believe you hold function and boot up.

I’ve noticed lag on the machinedrum with function + parameters on MIDI tracks too. Not noticed any other issues.

I’ve only had it a short time so I’ve been busy with the ram machines and synths and so I just stopped using function + encoders on MIDI tracks.

Plus, I’m so used to function + encoders on octatrack I’m trying get that out of my head when using the machinedrum because the results are very very different! :joy:

thx… hm okay this points to the OS being buggy in this area then…
been also using some of the master FX CTR machines more intensively lately, and they too seem kinda glitchy… esp. the EQ machine seemed not entirely “right”…

there also seems to be a bug when copying MIDI tracks/machines, where if you have CC destinations set up on one machine, and you copy it to another track and then load in a MIDI machine for a different channel with holding [FUNCTION], in order to to have the CCs available for a different channel, some or all of them will not react until you actively tweak the CC destination parameter back and forth for each of the CCs…