SYN2 Page 2 of 2. Phase reset. How to use it?

Hi! I just studying all of options and could not hear any difference in sound when i messing with Phase reset knob on SYN2 menu page two.
What i should do to hear how that knob works?

Comes in handy when using the DN for drum sounds, set to ‘all’ (IIRC, im not at my DN atm). Otherwise i tend not to pay it much attention

Ok, DN means Digitone or something else?)

yeh DN = digitone

Init sound. Algo 3 or 4. Use arp to repeat notes in sequencer. Now you hear differences. Some other algorithms too.

You can hear it if your notes and operator settings are set to low octaves or if you turn on detune so that the math doesn’t make them line up. On syn page 1/2, the settings for the operators are multiples. Once you go to syn page 2/2 and change the offsets (or, again, use detune which does the same thing but with a purpose), you can hear the phase offset more clearly since each time you trigger the note when it’s off and the pitches aren’t perfectly aligned, the ‘wobble’ of how the phases interact will be seemingly random. It helps for making a sound more ‘lively’ and organic instead of static and repetative.

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